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While the Superior cogitated, "How-do, Brother Etienne?" said Nicholas, and they nodded. Brother Etienne brought the rest of his heavy body half inside the door. He wore aged, weather-beaten breeches, and a black sweater over an old hickory shirt. "Ses compagnons l'ont laissé, l

Make your bargain before you get into the Ark that's what we call this stage or he surely will overcharge you. Oh! how-do, Miss Picolet!" She spoke to the French teacher so carelessly indeed, in so scornful a tone that Ruth was startled. Miss Picolet bowed gravely and said something in return in her own language which made Miss Cox flush, and her eyes sparkle.

The Indian on horseback acted very good-natured; smiled widely, held out his hand, as he approached, and greeted with: "Brudder. How-do, brudder?" "Consarn your yaller hide, I'd 'brudder' you if my gun would fire," thought Simon. But he did not say so. He leveled his piece, and called: "Hey, you! Wait a minute. If I surrender, you treat me well? No hurt?" "No harm, brudder. Treat good.

But she was smiling, friendlily, and she was pretty, too, sort of. "Hello, Sweetheart!" she said, again. "Why, how-do, ma'am," said Tyler, Texas fashion. "Where you going, kid?" she asked. Tyler blushed a little. "Well, nowhere in particular, ma'am. Just kind of milling around." "Come on along with me," she said, and linked her arm in his. "Why why thanks, but "

When she went out into the front of the store, she saw that the figure which had entered was in a glistening slicker. It had begun to rain. "Why, Frank Bowman! Is it you?" she asked, in surprise. "Oh! how-do, Janice! I didn't expect to find you here." "Nor I you. What are you doing away up here on the hill?" Janice asked. Frank Bowman did not look himself.

Norris looked vaguely around as at unknown faces, and Dick nodded in this or that direction in that offhand manner which invites people to keep their distance rather than to seek further intercourse, but the woman who was handsome and thirty refused to be held at arm's length. "How-do, Mr. Percival? Glad to see you back. You have the genius of distinction, even in small things.

Hanna, say how-do to big man." "How-do, Hanna," said Mr. Evans, reddening slightly beneath his tan. Then hitched his chair closer. "To what," he began, flashing his white smile from one to the other of them, and with a strong veer to the facetious, "are we indebted for the honor of this visit? Are those the unspoken words, ladies?" "Nothing wrong at home, Penfield? Nobody ailing or "

He stood in the doorway a moment, uncertainly. "How-do, Henry." His uncertainty became incredulity. Then, "Why, how-do, Rose! Didn't know you for a minute. Well, well! It's been a long time. Let's see ten fourteen about fifteen years, isn't it?" His tone was cheerfully conversational. He really was interested, mathematically.

They were pelting away at one another, using paper "bullets" and "cannon balls," shouting and laughing, when, as they became quiet for a moment, they heard a voice asking: "What is all this?" They looked up to see Mrs. Bunker with Mun Bun and Margy. "How-do?" called George, grinning. "Oh, we're having such fun!" cried Laddie. "We're soldiers and we got a fort, and we had a flag "

"How-do yourself, Jim!" returned Mr. Brewster, catching hold of Jim's hardened hand and shaking it back and forth. "You-all air a sight for sore eyes, Sam! Hain't seen hide nor hair of any one of you for nigh onto a year! Be'n keepin' pritty busy, Sam?" said Jim, in a voice that rolled forth like deep thunder. "Mighty busy, Jim!