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"Rot him!" growled the man Job, a beastly-seeming fellow, very slovenly and foul of person, who glared down at me out of one eye, the other being so bruised and swollen as to serve him no whit. "He should be overside wi' his guts full o' shot for this same heye of mine if 'twas my say " "But then it ain't your say, Job, nor yet Belvedere's 'tis hern, Job hern Cap'n Jo's.

The Great Riley agreed with all that Heye said, and marveled with Heye that he had ever tried an amateur. Carl found the dressing-room a hay-dusty hell. But he enjoyed acting in "The Widow's Penny," "Alabama Nell," "The Moonshiner's Daughter," and "The Crook's Revenge" far more than he had enjoyed picking phrases out of Shakespeare at a vaguely remembered Plato.

'Wilkes an' Liberty, say I; 'forever, say I. An' w'en I see 'im goin' to the Tower to be'old the Champion, 'Captain Paul, says I, 'yere a man arfter my hown 'eart. My heye, sir, didn't I see 'im, w'n a mere lad, take the John into Kingston 'arbour in the face o' the worst gale I hever seed blowed in the Caribbees?

"Well, sir, it's like this 'ere. That there pump is a funny kind o' pump. Sometimes it gives you water and sometimes it don't." "You surprise me," murmured the Sapper. "Now, if I might be so bold, sir, I would suggest that another well be sunk, sir starting fresh-like from the beginning. Then I could keep my heye on it, and see that no one wasn't a-monkeying with it.

Which me 'aving only one heye ain't by no manner of means to be 'eld ag'in me, seeing as it were took away by a act o' Providence in the shape of another lady's boot-'eel sixteen summers ago come Michaelmas." "Indeed," said Barnabas, seeing Mrs. Snummitt had paused for breath, "but what " "Which I were to give you Mr.

"My heye! you do look like a drownded rat, master," said Jem, chuckling. "Lucky I come, warn't it?" I looked angrily at the man, for he seemed horribly unfeeling, and then, turning to Mercer, "How are you now?" I said. "Very wet," he replied feebly. "Raw, haw!" laughed Jem. "There, get up, you're clear now. Couldn't swim a bit like that."

"Oh, no you won't," said the landlady, tossing her head, "me not 'avin' a knocker, an' your 'and a-scratchin' the paint off the door, which it ain't been done over six months by my sister-in-law's cousin, which 'e is a painter, with a shop in Fitzroy, an' a wonderful heye to colour." "Does Mr. Fitzgerald live here?" asked Mr. Gorby, quietly. "He do," replied Mrs.

Well go and tell your noos to someone else as ain't so 'andsome, Mrs. Snummitt, say, as lives next door, a widder, respectable, but with only one heye, try Mrs. Snummitt." "Ah, perhaps she's in the room yonder," said Barnabas, "anyhow, I mean to see "

Well, I was down there just at the beginnin' of the season, the 'ounds met at Kirby Gate a mile or two to the south, you know, on the Leicester road it was the fust day of the season, in fact and there was a great crowd, and I was one; and havin' a heye for an oss, I was struck with this one, you understand, bein' as I thought, a 'ticklar nice 'un.

Carl listened credulously to Heye's confidences as to how jealous was Riley, the actor-manager, of Heye's art, how Heye had "knocked them all down" in a stock company at Newport News, and what E. H. Sothern had said to him when they met in Richmond as guests of the Seven Pines Club. "Say," rasped Heye, "you're a smart young fellow, good-looking, ejucated. Why don't you try to get an engagement?