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I wrop up my little han'ful er duds in a hankcher, en I tie de hankcher on my walkin'-cane, en I put out arter de army. I walk en I walk, en 'bout nine dat night I come ter Ingram Ferry. De flat wuz on t'er side er de river, en de man w'at run it look like he gone off some'rs. I holler en I whoop, en I whoop en I holler, but ef dey wuz any man 'roun', he wuz hidin' out fum me.

"'Too menny fr'en's spiles de dinner, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'w'ich un's dis? sezee. "'I fetch bad news, Brer Rabbit, sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'Bad news is soon tole, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "By dis time Brer Rabbit done come ter de do', wid his head tied up in a red hankcher. "'Brer Fox died dis mornin', sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'Whar yo' mo'nin' gown, Brer Wolf? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.

She could hardly wait to get her hat and coat off, but would come tearing into the studio, pulling off her wraps as she came, hair flying, cheeks glowing, looking very like Brer Rabbit, Molly declared, when he ran down the hill with the six tin plates fer the chillun to sop outen; and the six tin cups fer the chillun to drink outen; the coffee pot fer the fambly; and the hankcher fer hisself, hollerin': "Gimme room, gimme room". They gave her room, all right, especially if her medium happened to be water color, as Judy was a grand splasher and spared neither water nor paint.

It smells of asafoetida and camphor, and looks like it had recently been tied around somebody's sore throat." "Marse Alfred, I will swear on a stack of Bibles high as the 'Piscopal church steeple, that Bedney Darrington gim'me that same blue hankcher, and he said he found it. I wasn't with him when he found it, but I hardly think he would 'a stole a' old rag like that.

They is the only perfession that the Bible is agin, for you know they jawed our Lord hisself, and he said, 'Woe! woe! to you lie-yers. Now, Marse Alfred, if you have made up your mind you are gwine to have that hankcher, it will be bound to come; for if it was tied to a millstone and drapped in the sea, you lie-yers would float it into court; so Bedney, jest perduce what you found."

Hit'd become her a heap better'n it becomes you," Peters said, laughing. "Yas, I reckon it would," said 'Pollo; "but de fact is she gi' me dis hankcher an' of co'se I accepted it." "But why ain't you tellin' us what you give her?" insisted Peters.

Both were absorbed in the story, and every picture was examined with scrupulous care. Another occupant of the nursery was "Chany," the under nursemaid. Gawky, sleek, and black, she sat flat upon the floor, her large, well-shod feet turned to the fire, a picture of lazy, vacant content. "Ch-Ch-Chany," stuttered Mammy, "look in de top drawer an' git a hankcher and blow dat chile's nose.

Go on wid yo book, honey; Mammy ain't goin' 'sturb you no mo." "Mr. Lynn left the sleigh, and turning from the island" piped little Caroline. Then there came another prolonged snuffle from Sedley. "You Ch-Ch-Chany, why'n't you git dat hankcher?" caused that languid maiden to bestir herself.

Dunbar said there was some mistake somewhere, and he made us step up and show hands, and make prints on his hankcher; and lo, and behold! one darkey had not touched the pot; his forefinger was clean; so Mr. Dunbar says, 'Luke, here is your thief? and shore 'nuff, it was our preacher, and he owned up.

As they stood talking it over the two heroes had nothing to say, of course, and 'Pollo began rolling a cigarette an art he had learned from the man from New Orleans. Finally he remarked, "Yas, Miss Lily got sev'al mighty nice presents last night." At this Pierre turned, laughing, and said, "I s'pose you geeve 'er somet'ing too, eh?" "Pity you hadn't a-give her dat silk hankcher.