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Do they make it out of sand?" He invited the bartender to drink with him, chatted a moment, and then strolled over to the table. The dealer, a thick-set, fat-fingered, grave-eyed man who moved like a piece of machinery, glanced up at him and back to his game. There was no "lookout." A man whom he had not seen before, deft-fingered and alert, was keeping cases.

"Why, is anything the matter? What has happened? O'Dell?" The porter stood forward. He cleared his throat twice, but for all that, his words were barely audible. "Yes, Miss Carryll. Good-night, miss. You'd best be going on, miss, if you'll excuse " Behind O'Dell stood a policeman; behind him again, a grave-eyed man stooped to an unusual task. It arrested her attention like the flash of red danger.

One never hears songs of the Fatherland any more." They were silent, grave-eyed men who marched through the streets of French and Belgian towns to be entrained for the Somme front, for they had forebodings of the fate before them. Yet none of their forebodings were equal in intensity of fear to the frightful reality into which they were flung.

How is he?" asked Magda quickly. "Sleeping, thank God! He's safe now! But oh, Magda! It's been awful!" And quite suddenly Gillian, who had faced Death and fought him with a dogged courage and determination that had won the grave-eyed doctor's rare approval, broke down and burst into tears. Magda petted and soothed her, until at last her sobs ceased and she smiled through her tears.

One overtakes him, now and then, and catches him, as it were, off his guard, in little pathetic lapses into a curious simplicity a simplicity grave-eyed, portentious and solemn almost like that of some great Infant-Faun, trying very seriously to learn the difficult syllables of our human "Categorical Imperative"! World-child, as he was, the magic of the universe pouring through him, one sometimes feels a strange, dim hope with regard to that dubious general Issue, when we find him so confident about the presence of the mysterious Being he worshipped; and so transparently certain of his personal survival after Death!

Not that I value tobacco so all-fired much, he says, 'but because a girl, who'd make a man take such a choice, ain't worth giving up tobacco for. You see, dearie, it's this way " "You'll have that dog out of your house and out of your possession, inside of twenty-four hours," she decreed, the white anger of a grave-eyed woman making her cold voice vibrate, "or you will drop my acquaintance.

Now as Beltane breathed the cool, sweet air of evening and looked about him drowsily, he suddenly espied a shadow within the shadows, a dim figure yet formidable and full of menace, and he started up, weapon in fist, whereupon the threatening figure stirred and spake: "Master 'tis I!" said a voice. Then Beltane came forth of the grot and stared upon Black Roger, grave-eyed.

Leath's quality that every movement, every syllable, told with her. Even in the old days, as an intent grave-eyed girl, she had seldom misplaced her light strokes; and Darrow, on meeting her again, had immediately felt how much finer and surer an instrument of expression she had become. Their evening together had been a long confirmation of this feeling.

The grave-eyed man who had borrowed Superintendent Leckhard's pivot-chair nodded intelligence. "That is what you have been saying, with variations, for the last half-hour. Why?" "Because the job asks for gifts that I don't possess. At the present moment the Red Butte Western is the most hopelessly demoralized three hundred miles of railroad west of the Rockies.

Now, returning to our grammar " And forthwith I began to decline for her benefit verbs regular and irregular, together with their tenses; I parsed and analysed simple sentences, explaining the just relation of Subject, Object and Predicate, while she watched me grave-eyed and listened to my grammatical dicta with an attention that I found highly gratifying.