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The childlike grave-eyed earnestness with which Dorothea said all this was irresistible blent into an adorable whole with her ready understanding of high experience. "I think you see now that you spoke too scrupulously," she said, in a tone of persuasion. "The hospital would be one good; and making your life quite whole and well again would be another." Lydgate's smile had died away.

She looked away, while in her heart rose a storm of passionate fury at the brutes who had made of this tender girl a wreck. The room was full of women now, sober-faced matrons and grave-eyed girls, yet all wore the same expression, not alone of anger, nor fear, nor pity, but of all combined.

Grave-eyed and intent, they went through the day's routine with a cheery patience under drudgery which showed the noble stuff of which they were made. They looked askance at Phebe's grumblings, her fluctuating enthusiasm, her hours of girlish frivolity and of pettish complaint. Among themselves, they analyzed her; but they were unable to classify her.

Louise, grave-eyed, watched the two men, Overland sullen and scowling, Collie fierce and flaming. "We ain't used to to real ladies," apologized Overland. "We could do better if we practiced up." "Of course!" said Louise, smiling. "But the poetry." "U-m-m, yes. The po'try. What'll I give her, Collie?" "I don't care," replied the boy.

"Pray Heaven she doesn't cry," he said to himself fervently, and at that moment the door opened. A pale, grave-eyed woman in black confronted him, and after a moment or two she smiled very slightly and held out her hand. Vane took it awkwardly. "It is good of you to take the trouble to come, Captain Vane," she said in a singularly sweet voice. "Won't you come inside?"

The people I saw crossing themselves whenever they passed a church, the bearded men who kissed the relics in the Church of the Assumption, the unkempt grave-eyed pilgrim, with his ragged bundle on his back and his little tea-kettle slung in front of him, who was standing quite still beside a pillar in the same church, have no parallels in England." Mr.

The stock and the crops, too, spoke of solid industry. But she shrank back in sudden revolt as a huge tawny collie came bounding toward her from the fold where he had just marshaled the sheep for the night. The dog was beautiful. And he meant her no harm. He even tried shyly to make friends with the tall and grave-eyed guest. Dorcas saw all that.

Isabel was two years older than Susan, a beautiful, grave-eyed brunette, gracious in manner, sweet of voice, the finest type that her class and environment can produce. Isabel was well read, musical, traveled; she spoke two or three languages besides her mother tongue.

"Little, grave-eyed Beatrice, tell me truly, would it grieve you much if you were never again to sit here with Alicia in this same Red Room?" And I made answer earnestly that it would, glad that I could say so much truly. Then her face grew tender and she sighed deeply.

And Adam strode off with his eye still turned heaven-ward, and shaking his head like some great bird of ill-omen. So the afternoon wore away to evening, and with evening, came Anthea; but a very grave-eyed, troubled Anthea, who sat at the tea-table silent, and preoccupied, in so much, that Small Porges openly wondered, while Miss Priscilla watched over her, wistful, and tender.