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Lower House set up a frantic chorus of triumph. If only Marble or Collier could succeed where Knox had failed! But neither Jim nor the left guard was going to try, it seemed. For over at the Red's bench a lithe form was peeling off his sweater, and in a moment the cry swept the hall: "Garwood's going to throw! Garwood! Garwood!" "It's all right," Jim had whispered. "I asked the doc. Do your best.

Policemen had appeared on the heels of the crowd and now, except for a knot following Garwood, things seemed to be calming down. The excitement over, and the people thinning out, Kennedy still could not find any trace of Duncan. Finally he glanced in again through the swinging doors. There was Duncan, evidently quite upset by what had occurred, fortifying himself at the bar.

"And now, Garwood," he said, "as I have complied with your requirements, allow me to say that your conduct has not been ah up to Hilltop standards. Let me suggest that you cultivate generosity." Kenneth, who had kept his back turned since his last words, swung around with an angry retort on his lips. But Joe's hand pulled him back. "Shut up, chum!" whispered Joe. "Let him go."

Baker, Botts, Parker and Garwood to represent him and secured from Governor Odell at Albany a requisition on Governor Lanham of Texas for the extradition of the prisoner, which he entrusted to Detective Sergeant Herlihy of the New York Police.

"I think it is at most schools," Kenneth replied gravely. "Oh, undoubtedly! I am to understand, then, that you are not even in the least addicted to the habit?" "Well, sir, it isn't likely you'll ever catch me at it," said Kenneth imperturbably. The instructor flushed angrily. "I hope not," he said in a silky voice, "I sincerely hope not, Garwood for your sake!"

Nor was it long ere they burst from cover and came upon Amos Garwood, standing as though lost in thought, for Garwood was trying to comprehend Teall's words, "the crazy man." All in a flash Dick recognized the man. So did his chums. Hi Martin alone was in the dark. "Good afternoon," was Garwood's greeting, as he looked up as though coming out of a trance.

Dick was able to look at him while not in immediate danger of being seen himself. How quietly the Grammar School boy trod water! He hardly dared breathe, for fear of giving an alarm. Yet, even in all his astonishment, Prescott did not forget to let one hand close over the handle of the black bag whose recovery had brought him here. "I can't do anything with Garwood alone," reflected Dick swiftly.

The descriptions are those of a lady, well-dressed, and with a voice and manner that would carry her through any of the fashionable hotels, perhaps into society itself." "One of a gang of blackmailers, then," I hazarded. Garwood shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps," he acquiesced. "It is automobile thieving that interests me, though.

"If Garwood remains at large much longer he'll fix up a bang-bang that will carry him clean into the next world!" While those having the injured man in charge waited they explored the boathouse. Of the explosive materials not a particle was found. Evidently it had all gone up in smoke.

"Well, you'll find a chair there by the table," said Grafton, sinking back on the window seat. "Much obliged to you for coming up." There was a silence during which Kenneth found the chair and Grafton pulled down the window. Then, "Look here, Garwood," said Grafton, "you've got my place on the team, I don't say you didn't get it fair and square, because you did. But I want it.