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Updated: August 4, 2024

"You an' ole miss been mighty good fren's fur a pow'ful long time, an' now don' you go gittin' yourse'f in no fraction wid her, jus' as you' bout to die." "Ain't gwine to die," said the old woman, "till I done tole her wot's on my min'."

Dat 'ar gyarden, sah, is black with richness jest black. It's a forchen for a pusson what kin contrive an' make fren's, an' trade, an' kin flourish a spade. Dar's fruit-trees an' grape-vines dar an' room enuf to plant anything an' richness enuf to make peas an' taters an' beets an' cabbages jest jump out o' de yarth.

Zey have great secret club-sieties to kill me me and my fren's; and one enemy coming in my rooms does zis one, two" he indicated wrist and head "wiz a choppa." Rameau made the case plain to Nettings, so far as the actual circumstances of the assault on himself were concerned.

"See yere, Miss Lou," and Zany sank her voice to a whisper, "dere's a Linkum man" "Hush! how did you know that?" "Chunk en me's fren's. Don' be 'feard, fer I'd like ter see de gyurl dat kin beat me playin' possum. Dat Linkum man he'p you ter run away." "For shame, Zany! The idea of my going away with a stranger!"

"May I ask," he said politely, "where you picked up that expression?" "I got it off one of my fren's," said William with quiet pride. "Then I'd take it as a personal favour," went on Mr. Brown, "if you'd kindly refrain from airing your friends' vocabularies in this house." "He means you're never to say it again, William," translated Mrs. Brown sternly. "Never." "All right," said William. "I won't.

En all you wuz thinkin' 'bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie. Dat truck dah is TRASH; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren's en makes 'em ashamed." Then he got up slow and walked to the wigwam, and went in there without saying anything but that. But that was enough. It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed HIS foot to get him to take it back.

"No, dey ain't; is yo' fren's gwine stay ter breakfus'?" "Oh, no, I'd want the bacon for the club-sandwiches. Don't worry, Mancy, they'll all come out right." "Dey mought and den again dey moughtn't," grumbled the old woman, but undaunted Patty went on measuring and weighing with a surety of success that is found only in the young and inexperienced.

O S'wanee, S'wanee, our fren's is walkin' right inter a trap. Den she run to de winder an' open it ter see ef she couldn't git down, an' dere in de garden was a soger, a-walkin' up an' down a-watchin'. 'We jes' can't do nuffin', she said, an' she 'gan to sob an' go 'sterical-like.

"They tell me," said Tam Donaldson, "that our fren's ha'e slept in this morning." A laugh greeted this sally, which seemed to indicate that most of them knew about the sleeping-in and the reason for it. "Ay, they'd be tired oot efter their hard day's work yesterday," replied another.

"De folks would set on de stone, while de little birds would sing, 'I wush I had," an' dey'd wush dey had money, an' fren's, an' sense, an' happiness, an' 'ligion; an' 'twould all come true jes like dey wush fur. Den de little birds would sing, 'I wush I wuz," an' dey'd wush dey wuz lubly, an' good, an' gran'; un' 'twould all come ter pass jes so.

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