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Updated: August 16, 2024

The couplet of Chrestien of Troyes about the Welsh: . . . Gallois sont tous, par nature, Plus fous que betes en pasture is well known, and expresses the genuine verdict of the Latin mind on the Celts.

'I could not ead twenty. They reached the restaurant, one of those jolly little houses which are all down now short as is the time since that in which they flourished where the host knew almost all his guests, and luxury went hand in hand with a sort of camaraderie which cannot breathe in our new palaces. The chef was a treasure, but as yet no American millionaires strove to coax him across the Atlantic. There were no better wines in the world, there was no better coffee, and, by way of a wonder, there were no better cigars. Darco shook hands with the host, and broke out at him in a brash of Alsatian French, which to Paul's ears was like a rolling of drums. He caught his own name in the torrent of noise, and distinguished the words 'un homme lidéraire, cheune, gomme fous foyez, mais déj

Louis also by force of arms compelled his nobles to desist from robbing the merchants, dealers, and the poor of their property. At this period the Fête des Fous, or feast of madmen was celebrated to its full extent, and anything more absurd, more farcical, or more irreverential cannot well be imagined.

"Whoever burns me for a fool 'll lose their ashes. Des monz a fous I have a head! Come with me." Ranulph saw that he must humour the shrewd natural, so he said: "Et ben, put your four shirts in five bundles and come along." He was a true Jerseyman at heart, and speaking to such as Dormy Jamais he used the homely patois phrases.

"I must carry you, M'seur Howland," he said; and as he staggered out on the ice with his inanimate burden, he spoke softly to himself, "The saints preserve me, but what would the sweet Meleese say if she knew that Jean Croisset had come so near to losing the life of this M'seur le engineer? Ce monde est plein de fous!"

Henslowe immediately pulled down the black cloth over the half globe of the light. The compartment was empty. He threw himself down with a sigh of comfort on the soft buff-colored cushions of the seat. "But what on earth?" stammered Andrews. "M'en fous, c'est mon metier," interrupted Henslowe. The train pulled out of the station.

And when the patriotic Tommy hesitated for an answer, the preceptor exclaimed with ineffable contempt, 'Race de fous'! It is no wonder, then, that this foe of his fatherland feared to receive a letter openly addressed; rather he would slink out under cover of night and seek his correspondence at the poste restante, like a guilty lover or a British tourist.

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'Etat Dans mon sabre réside."

In his old age he found an asylum in the house of the Duke of Montmorency. The poet's real surname was Viaud. The following impromptu is attributed to Theophile, who was asked by a foolish person whether all poets were fools: "Oui, je l'avoue avec vous, Que tous les poetes sont fous; Mais sachant ce que vous etes, Tous les fous ne sont pas poetes."

Mes compatriotes meme ne sont pas si fous! Je ne suis pas content de moi J'aurais du faire le saut J'aurais sauve la vie a man rival! Voila une belle occasion manquee, et beaucoup de gloire a jamais perdue pour moi! Madam, I am a native of Provence, and they tell me I am a little crazy: but these Englishmen are in a confounded hurry to come to the proof! My own countrymen are less lunatic!

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