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If their society is to some extent re-moulded by them, they were, both before and after birth, moulded by their society were the results of all those influences which fostered the ancestral character they inherited, and gave their own early bias, their creed, morals, knowledge, aspirations.

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'Etat Dans mon sabre réside."

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'État Dans mon sabre réside."

And it is to be hoped that with each turn of the chemical wheel the succeeding generation will be re-moulded on a better scale, until the Apeman and all lower animals have passed through a successful course of evolution and finally emerge into real manhood the highest type of earthly beings.

Doellinger could give you some information as to S. Ignatius Loyola, 'Exercitia Spiritualia, for they seem to have been so often re-moulded, that there is some difficulty to ascertain what is ye genuine form, or at least to obtain a copy, whether any other re- casting of it be found easier to use.