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Updated: August 3, 2024

Au reste tout ce fracas d'armemens, de préparatifs et de menaces dont le royaume retentit pendant quelques années, s'évanouit en un vain bruit. Je ne doute point que, dans les commencemens, le roi ne fut de bonne foi. Sa vanité s'étoit laissée éblouir par un projet brillant qui alloit fixer sur lui les yeux de l'Asie et de l'Europe; et les esprits médiocres ne savent point résister

Sometimes he had to call in a "fixer" to manufacture evidence, that the far-off ends of justice might not be defeated. He made frequent use of women of a certain type, women whom he could intimidate as an officer or buy over as a good fellow.

It had to do with the whole inner ideal of the man to be a fixer of such things to come home to a house of little ones in quantity and many women a broad house of aunts, sisters and old women, a long broad table of all ages, the many problems resting on him and one woman looking straight across.... She would know everything, and yet would advise with him quiet discussions of policy regarding this one or that one, and the interposition of food....

Do something for me, will you?" he requested. "Wire to Belford Couch, the Willard, Washington, to come on here by first train." "Couch? Oh, that's Certina Charley, isn't it? Your professional fixer?" "Never mind what he is. You'll be sure to do it, won't you?" "No. Do it yourself," said Ellis curtly, and walked out without a good-night. "Well, whaddye think of that!" spluttered Dr. Surtaine.

"Roumania, mamma." Mr. Shapiro sat suddenly forward in his chair, his eager face thrust forward. "Say, I'm your man!" "You!" "Before you get your reservations let me steer you. I got a cousin works down at the White Flag offices Harry Mansbach. He'll fix you up if there ain't a room left on the boat. He's the greatest little fixer you ever seen." "Ach, Mr. Shapiro, how grand!

"Everything's closed now, and there's nobody dancing at the City Hall, is there?" He appealed helplessly to Jim. Jim rose to the occasion with the same promptitude he had displayed throughout. "Leave it to Jimmy the Fixer," he cried, reassuringly. "Marriages aren't made in heaven any more that's old stuff. They're made in Hoboken, while the cab waits.

I've had 'Silk' Humphreys, the best fixer in the business, working on him all day, and he'll be neutral before night. If the long green won't quiet him and I never saw a Jap refuse it yet a lead pipe will. Silk hasn't reported yet, but I expect to hear from him any minute now, through our man out there." As he spoke, the almost inaudible buzzer in his pocket gave a signal.

Pee-wee, who was a mixer as well as a fixer, went on mixing and fixing and soon he performed his greatest of all "fixing" feats; probably the greatest fixing feat in scout history. Perhaps the greatest fixing stunt in the history of the world. But Peter was satisfied to laugh at Pee-wee with the rest of them, with that bashful, hesitating laugh, which endeared him to them all.

I'm a great little fixer. And about that question of not knowing who you are answerable to, don't forget that it's little Johnny Bull capital J and B. You're liable to get jerked off this detail so quick you'll leave toothbrush and pajamas behind. Every morning now when I wake up and remember that I don't have to go out on dawn patrol I start pinching myself to see if I'm awake.

"We didn't know," said Fido Norris. "Gee, there are lots of things I don't know too," said Pee-wee generously. "But anyway I fixed it so a scout could stay at Temple Camp an extra week." "Bully for you. A good turn?" "You said it. I gave him a whole pail of berries I picked and he got sick and couldn't go home." "Some fixer." "I've fixed lots of things."

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