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Updated: August 4, 2024

An' they're feelin' diff'runt about you, sir, since you saved me. Not becoz it was me, but becoz it was what Deming calls a damn plucky thing to do." "How did you learn all this?" demanded Rainey. "Scraps, sir. Here an' there. The sailors gams about it nights when they thinks I'm asleep in the fo'c's'le. An' I keeps my ears open when I waits on the hunters.

Why, that ole man thinks YOU got something to do with it. You'll have to blame it on him, young lady, if it makes you feel like startin' out to whip somebody! He's actually got THIS theory: he says Bibbs got to gettin' better while he worked over there at the shop because you kept him cheered up and feelin' good.

'Pussuble you're correct' says the other." Sundown scratched his ear. "And I et the ice-cream, feelin' kind o' sad-like seein' it wasn't pie. You see, Bud, gettin' shot up is kind of disconvenient." "Well, you're the limit!" exclaimed Shoop. "Say, the boss wants to make a few talks to you to-morrow. Told me to tell you when you come back. You better go feed up.

"He hain't got no proof," mused Turk, "an' feelin' runs right high ergin him. I'd mighty nigh confidence ther jury thet'll set in ther case ter convict." Bas Rowlett drew in and puffed out a cloud of smoke. His eyes were meditative. Here was a situation which called for delicate handling.

"You would not belave ut, Sorr, but that an' seein' Love-o'-Women overtuk widout warnin' put the cowld fear av attacks us on me so strong that for a week an' more I was kickin' my toes against stones an' stumps for the pleasure av feelin' them hurt.

"I say some of the ladies were a bit timid on account of the firing." "Oh, shucks! That ain't nothin'! The boys was feelin' a little bit frisky, I reckon, and they maybe did let out a few whoops. But land love you! Mustn't mind a little thing like that. Still, if it's goin' to cause any uneasiness among the females, why I'll tell the boys to cut out all "

She was getting up, but Dart was on his feet first. "I must go," he said. "He is expecting me and " "Aw," said Glad, "lemme go along o' yer, mister jest to show there's no ill feelin'." "Very well," he answered. It was she who led, and he who followed. At the door she stopped and looked round with a grin. "Keep up the fire, Polly," she threw back. "Ain't it warm and cheerful?

It's a bloomin' good investment, that's what I calls it. Give yer a sort o' start in life. Makes folks glad to see yer when you drops in to tea. And then I'm always feelin' as though I wanted to have my photograph taken and that's nice, too. So you see takin' it all round, it's quite a blessin' to have a face like mine." I was silent, not knowing what to say.

I seemed kind of hard, 'Tenty, them days, but I had feelin' enough." "I don't doubt but what you had, Aunt 'Viny; only one can't see far ahead, you know, when it rains. I'm sure I've been as happy as a clam these last six years, and I don't calculate to resk that by gettin' married, never. Besides, I've learned what you used to call the grass's lesson, pretty well."

And instead of feelin' grateful, you say I've been drinking!

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