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To myself, after the summer heats of my native land had somewhat effervesced out of my blood and memory, it was the weather of Paradise itself. It might be a little too warm; but it was that modest and inestimable superabundance which constitutes a bounty of Providence, instead of just a niggardly enough.

The young lady's friends were capable of receiving more harm than the maid could inflict upon her acquaintances. There would be callers again during the day and evening, and she did not wish to see them. Their society now would be like a glass of champagne from which the life had effervesced.

As they went out of the door she called, angrily: "Here! Stop! I want to give Bingo a chocolate drop!" They didn't stop. In the street on the way to Bingo's new home, Eleanor, holding her little dog in her arms, was blind with tears, but Maurice effervesced into extravagant ridicule. His opinion of Mrs.

"Curse it!" said I; "my wits are going, or am I in two places at once?" Half-undressed, I tossed the powder into a glass and drank it off. It effervesced, and became a fluorescent amber colour. Before I was in bed my mind was already tranquillised. I felt the pillow at my cheek, and thereupon I must have fallen asleep.

The men have had the best of it. All the swimming, all the boating, wheeling, all the grand, wild life; now we're going to have a part." The young ladies clustered about with flushed, excited faces while their teacher planted her flag and claimed new territory for women. Miss Powell herself grew conscious, and flushed and paused abruptly. Mrs. Blakesly effervesced in admiring astonishment.

Watch me watch me pick my steps!" She picked them so at random, at the moment, moving off, that she came near slipping in for that eerie ducking, with the blind fish pale as phantoms, swimming round and Stud, flinging the striped garter away, hurried after her Jessie, too! "Gee! this is a peach of a cave; isn't it?" effervesced the scout sarcastically.

The mere notion was incredible and indeed Hubbard shuffled with so much meekness from the room that Mr. Hazlewood dismissed it. He went across the hall to the dining-room, where he found Henry Thresk trifling with his breakfast. No embarrassment weighed upon Mr. Hazlewood this morning. He effervesced with good-humour. "I do not blame you, Mr.

I could say a great deal more, but the liquor won't wait. So saying, he drained off his glass while the wine effervesced. 'Pon my soul! Sir 'Arry, replied Watchorn, quite briskly, 'I really think we might 'unt we might try, at all events. The day seems changed, some'ow, added he, staring vacantly out of the window on the bright sunny landscape, with the leafless trees dancing before his eyes.

Lord, who'd a thought that the blood in the veins of a man whose head is whitenin' could be sot leapin' as mine is doin' at this minit by the scrapin' of a fiddle!" The Lad was a picture to see. His bow flew like lightning. His long fingers drummed and slid along the strings of the violin with bewildering swiftness. The little instrument jetted and effervesced its melody.

The revels that followed no pen can justly record, for Goths and Vandals on the rampage but feebly describes the youthf ul Wilkinses when their spirits effervesced after a month's bottling up in close home quarters.