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Everybody's got to have oxygen, all the way from kings and emperors down to the toiling cattle, the Henry Dubbs, as I believe they're commonly called in vulgar speech. Shut off the air, and 'the captains and the kings' will run to heel like the rabble itself. Run to heel, and pay for the privilege of doing it!

Dubbs, meant to see him through his troubles, though he was a little trying at his meals, for he would have butter on the table at his dinner, and he wanted two and three courses served together, and drank milk at his luncheon, like no Christian gentleman did that Mr. Crookes had ever seen.

And Dubbs, I may say to you what I wouldn't say to any other boy in the whole school but I've found it so true, and I'm sure you will too, and that is, Bene orasse est bene studuisse." Dubbs pressed his hand in silence.

Griffin then, in desperation, explained the whole matter, how he had left the card for David Dubbs, and paid for the turkey, and come unsuspectingly home. "As," he added, "I have done year after year, for " Here Mrs. Griffin checked him with symptoms of another faint, and he stopped short. Mr. Abbert then said it was all that rascally clerk, and he ought to be discharged at once.

"Oh, if you're sharp, and successful, and polite, and gentlemanly, and jolly, and all that sort of thing, he'll like you very much, and be exceedingly kind to you; but if you are lazy, or mischievous, or stupid, or at all a pickle, he'll ignore you, snub you, won't speak to you. I wish you'd been in the same pupil-room with me." "Depends on who he is, O virtuous Dubbs," said Henderson.

That's what I'd say, Miss More, and I should like to know if you don't think I should be right. 'If the English and American press united to attack the butler's character, answered Miss More without a smile, 'I think you would be quite right, Mrs. Dubbs. But as regards Mr. Van Torp's present position, I am sure he is the best judge of what he ought to do.

"Let's ask Percival, he's in the next room; and if Dubbs is well enough I know he'd give anything to see you." "Please, sir," said Walter, after knocking for admission at the door of the inner room, "do you think that Henderson and I might go to the cottage and see Daubeny?" "I don't know, Walter. But I want very much to see him myself, if Dr Keith will let me, so I'll come with you and enquire."

And now, while the Little Scout in fulfilment of her established character plays the spy on sundry crumbs that slink from notice under the table, and while the twins, too busy to talk, wash the dishes and dispose them in a glistening row along the dresser, and, while David opens the paper and plods up and down it, column by column, like a ploughman furrow by furrow up and down a field, and with almost as much toil; and while the ancient clock on the shelf over the stove and under the motley General Washington ticks loud enough to be heard above the clinking dishes and simmering kettle; and while the table, divested of its cloth and exhibiting a stained and blistered old back, is glad enough to avoid attention by being stowed away in the corner; while the pleasant spirits of domesticity that come only at the call of good men, and good wives, and good sons, and good daughters, but resist the imperious beckonings of the wealthiest hands, and wing on over their roofs to lowlier, and scantier, and purer habitations while the pleasant spirits of domesticity and kindliness throng invisibly into the room, and David Dubbs reads stray scraps from his paper to his daughters, grouped near the fire at his feet, we must softly withdraw and leave them to the care of coming Christmas dreams.

A fellow with a clear conscience can't be in low spirits very long. Don't you remember the pretty verse I read to you the other day, and which made me think of you while I read it "`Days that, in spite Of darkness, by the light Of a clear mind are day all night?" "Don't think I envy you, Power you won't think that, will you?" said Dubbs with the tears glistening in his eyes.

Let me turn back with you." "No, no! I won't spoil your day's excursion. Let me go alone." "Hi! you fellows," said Power, shouting to the three in front. They were too far in advance to hear him, so he told Daubeny to sit down while he overtook them, and asked if any of them would prefer to turn back. "Dubbs is too tired to go any farther," he said, when he reached them, breathless with his run.