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In the Manor itself Warde's influence was hardly yet perceptible: only a very few knew that it was diffusing itself, percolating into nooks and crevices, undreamed of: the hearts of the Fourth Form, for instance. In Dirty Dick's time there had been almost universal slackness. In pupil-room, Rutford read a book; boys could work or not as they pleased, provided their tutor was not disturbed.

Before he got there he heard his name called, and turning, found Psmith seated under a tree with the bright-blazered Dunster. "Return of the exile," said Psmith. "A joyful occasion tinged with melancholy. Have a cherry? take one or two. These little acts of unremembered kindness are what one needs after a couple of hours in extra pupil-room.

Edwards was able to sit up now, and Crawley read amusing books, and played games with him whenever he could leave school or pupil-room. "What a kind chap you are!" said Edwards with a broken voice, and with water in his eyes, for he was very weak and nervous; "I I don't deserve it." "Not?" exclaimed Crawley. "Why, surely I ought to do what I can, when it is my fault that you got hurt.

Nor did I learn anything, for I was taught nothing. The only expense, except that of books, to which a house-boarder was then subject, was the fee to a tutor, amounting, I think, to ten guineas. My tutor took me without the fee; but when I heard him declare the fact in the pupil-room before the boys, I hardly felt grateful for the charity.

Candles were burning in many of the rooms there in the pupil-room of Mr.

"Oh, if you're sharp, and successful, and polite, and gentlemanly, and jolly, and all that sort of thing, he'll like you very much, and be exceedingly kind to you; but if you are lazy, or mischievous, or stupid, or at all a pickle, he'll ignore you, snub you, won't speak to you. I wish you'd been in the same pupil-room with me." "Depends on who he is, O virtuous Dubbs," said Henderson.

John really made his escape, and retired to a pupil-room, where the bullying of a tutor, because he had no derivations, exceeded in all probability the bullying of his master, had he contrived in his passage from the Christopher to have upset the goose or dropped the sausages. In their merry meal, the Reform Bill was forgotten.

And all were there the lady who wrote for the Press, and the lady with the two daughters, the girls in blue; and Sir Tom's parliamentary friends standing up against the mantelpiece, and Mr. Derwentwater by himself, more curious than any one, keeping one eye on Montjoie, as if he would have liked to send him to the pupil-room to do a poena; and Jock indifferent, with his back to the door.

I was never "up" to John, for he taught a low Form, and I had come from Chittenden's, and all Chittenden's boys took high places; but he took "pupil-room" in my house, and helped my tutor generally, so I saw John daily, and, like every one else, I grew very much attached to this simple, saint-like old clergyman.

I have known Fifth-form boys bring a particularly difficult passage of Herodotus to John in "pupil-room," knowing that he was not a great Greek scholar. John, after glancing at the passage, would say, "Laddie, you splendid fellows in the Upper Fifth know so much; I am but a humble and very ignorant old man. This passage is beyond my attainments. Go to your tutor, my child.