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I don't know who he is; he nevah give me no card, sah, but he's moughty sploshed and blustery lookin'." "Well " the judge rose, halting his speech as if thinking of one thing and speaking of another "fetch him in here, Hiram." "He's drippin' and drappin' like a leaky pail, sah," said Hiram, shaking his cottony old head. "No matter; he'll do no harm, Hiram." Hiram brought the visitor in.

"Are yer all gone mad that yer sitting out there wi' the rain drippin' on yer, when yer might be dry an' comfortable, and have a bit o' breakfast ready for a feller when he comes home after a tough job such as I've had?" "I I didn't know when you was coming to breakfast," said Mrs.

When she takes it into her head to have a pleasant spell of weather, how she'll foller it up, clear skies, pleasant days and nights for weeks and weeks. And if she takes it into her head to have it rain, how she will keep the skies drippin' right along for most all summer.

I've ben thinkin' about my old mother's humstead up to Simsbury, and the great big well to the back door; how I used to tilt that 'are sweep up, of a hot day, till the bucket went 'way down to the bottom and come up drippin' over, such cold, clear water! I swear, I'd give all Madagascar for a drink on't!"

But Josiah Allen, to prove he feared no danger, had insisted on leavin' the dressin' gown he worshipped hangin' up in the clothes press where the tank wuz. Alas! alas! as he brung it out drippin' and steamin' from the fiery bath, where wuz the once gay colors? Them tossels and red palm leaves on yeller ground that had so lately been the light of his eyes and desire of his heart?

I tuke some bread an' drippin' long with me. Wheer's Tom to?" "Gone to schule this half-hour. 'Tis nine o'clock an' past. Wheer you bin, I sez? 'Tain't much in your way to rise afore me of a marnin'." "Out through Mouzle to Gorse P'int to see Joe's ship pass by; an' I seen en butivul." "Thank the Lard he's gone. Now, I s'pose, theer'll be a bit peace in the house, an' you'll bide home an' work.

He must hev somethin' t' ill-use when he's in a passion. 'I'd tek care he didn't leather me no, not if he was my husban' ten times o'er; I'd pour hot drippin' on him sooner. But the missis hasn't a sperrit like me. He'll mek her come back, you'll see; he'll come round her somehow.

"Three thick slices o' bread an' drippin' an' a mug o' cawfee. An' then I'm goin' to get sumethin' 'earty to carry to Polly. She ain't no good, pore thing!" "Who is she?" Stopping a moment to drag up the heel of her dreadful shoe, she answered him with an unprejudiced directness which might have been appalling if he had been in the mood to be appalled.

There Elburtus stood, with his nose a bleedin', and his whiskers singed, and a drippin' like a mushrat. But, instead of jawin' or complainin', the first thing he said wuz, "What a splendid draft our stove must have, or else the stove-pipe wouldn't be so hot!"

I wouldn't get onto Charley's back again, with my clothes off, any more than I'd sit on a hornet's nest. How'd you like to ride through the town with nothin' on but your swimmin' trunks and drippin' with bluin water, I'd like to know?" Mrs. Burke did not care to prolong the interview any further, so she said in her severest tones: "Nicholas Burke, you go to bed instantly.