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"You must know, boys " "'Ere, light your pipe, my 'earty," said Dumsby. "Hold yer tongue, an' don't interrupt him," cried one of the men, flattening Dumsby's cap over his eyes. "And don't drop yer haitches," observed another, "'cause if ye do they'll fall into the sea an' be drownded, an' then ye'll have none left to put into their wrong places when ye wants 'em." "Come, Bremner, go on."

"'T wasn't nothin' much," Glad broke in deprecatingly, "on'y I'd got somethin' to eat an' a bit o' fire." "An' she made me go an' 'ave a 'earty meal, an' set an' warm meself. An' she was that cheerfle an' full o' pluck, she 'elped me to forget about the things that was makin' me into a madwoman. SHE was the answer same as the book 'ad promised. They comes in different wyes the answers does.

"Captain's bridge," he said; "and if anything ain't right, or just haccording to your hidears, you sing out to the lower deck, loud and 'earty; only mind you don't get hexcited and spill orf!" Daisy's eyes danced, and her timidity all vanished as she saw the jovial and obedient band grouping together and hotly discussing the proposed decorations. Distances were measured with tarry thumbs.

I promised to write in my own 'and; but time is pressin', as I am goin' to tell you. So you must please put up with Mr. Bossom, and excuse mistakes. I will sign this to let you know there is no fake. We are at Stratford-on-Avon: w'ich for slow goin' must be a record: but all well and 'earty. Mr. M. 'as 'ad luck with 'is actin' 'Ow much?" "Six-seven-nine," answered Sam as he caught up with her.

"W'y, then, Peter," began Amos, with great unction, "it's 'is pigs!" "Pigs?" I exclaimed, staring. "Ah! pigs, Peter," nodded Old Amos, "Dutton's pigs; 'is sow farrowed last week at three in the marnin' nine of 'em!" "Well?" said I, wondering more and more. "Well, Peter, they was a fine 'earty lot, an' all a-doin' well till last Monday." "Indeed!" said I.

"Why, Ginger, old chap," ses Bill, with a 'earty smile, "wot are you all three in one bed for?" "We was a bit cold," ses Ginger. "Cold?" ses Bill. "Wot, this weather? We 'ad a bit of a spree last night, old man, didn't we? My throat's as dry as a cinder." "It ain't my idea of a spree," ses Ginger, sitting up and looking at 'im.

'Bless you, no, sir; she's 'ale and 'earty. Cook says she's sure she've fell out with some one. That's her way; she takes to bed when she've fell out with any one. It makes them repent of their sins. A soft grey mist lay over land and sea. The church and vicarage were grey and wet.

I asked again, leaning against the side of the house, and wiping my forehead. "No, sir, nor 'urt," continued my faithful groom, hastening to relieve my mind; "you've no need to alarm yourself, sir, for we're all alive and 'earty, though I must say it's about the wust buster, sir, that you've yet turned out of 'ands.

"Three thick slices o' bread an' drippin' an' a mug o' cawfee. An' then I'm goin' to get sumethin' 'earty to carry to Polly. She ain't no good, pore thing!" "Who is she?" Stopping a moment to drag up the heel of her dreadful shoe, she answered him with an unprejudiced directness which might have been appalling if he had been in the mood to be appalled.

Wagge passed her and put his hand on the latch of the front door. His little piggy eyes scanned her almost timidly. "Well," he said, "I'm very glad to have the privilege of your acquaintance; and, if I may say so, you 'ave you 'ave my 'earty sympathy. Good-day." The door once shut behind her, Gyp took a long breath and walked swiftly away.