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And our clo'es come out snow- white allers, and we never tears laces nor git in too much bluin' or starch the way some folks does." "Then I'll give you my address and you can come for my fine waists; and let me see, I am sure I can get St. Mark's laundry work for you, too." "You're orful good, Miss King. This is where we hev to turn down this 'ere court."

Gin'ral Crownjoy's washin' that was hangin' on th' line whin th' bombardmint comminced is a total wreck which no amount iv bluin' will save. Th' deserters also report that manny iv th' Boers ar-re outspannin', trekkin', loogerin', kopjein' an' veldtin' home to be dyed, f'r'tis not known whether lyddite is a fast color or will come out in th' wash."

It it wor lef' over by Aunt Mandy f'om de washin'. She ain' think, ha ha, she ain' think de bluin' in it mak' no diff'ence, he-he-he . Please, ma'am, scuse me, I can't stan' fo' no mo," and Wesley beat a hasty retreat. Juno Daphne departed that afternoon, Mrs. Bonnell wishing to avoid the services of a coroner.

"Peg spun dis wool," said Matthias, "an' de stockins is good: dis baskit," he added despairingly, "I tried my bes' to put some sky color on, but I reckin ef de bluin' bottle had jes' spill over it 'twould do more colorin' and better too. May de Lord help ye to live an' war it out, and then I'll make another."

I wouldn't get onto Charley's back again, with my clothes off, any more than I'd sit on a hornet's nest. How'd you like to ride through the town with nothin' on but your swimmin' trunks and drippin' with bluin water, I'd like to know?" Mrs. Burke did not care to prolong the interview any further, so she said in her severest tones: "Nicholas Burke, you go to bed instantly.

I might wash clothes with that, for I declare I think there's bluin' in it, but I sha'n't drink it; I'd be afraid of swallowin' a fish by accident. And do hurry!