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Come, who will have pity on a man like me, eh? Are you sorry for me, sir, or not? Tell me, sir, are you sorry or not? He-he-he!" He would have filled his glass, but there was no drink left. The pot was empty. "What are you to be pitied for?" shouted the tavern-keeper who was again near them. Shouts of laughter and even oaths followed.

"And the hideousness, the filthiness of all your surroundings, doesn't that affect you? Have you lost the strength to stop yourself?" "And do you pretend to strength, too? He-he-he! You surprised me just now, Rodion Romanovitch, though I knew beforehand it would be so. You preach to me about vice and aesthetics! You a Schiller, you an idealist!

"It's really lemancholy," said the Captain, "to think how it does distress gals to talk to 'em 'bout the fellers, when they ain't thinkin' o' nothin' else all the time. They can't even laugh without sayin' he-he-he!" "Now, father, you know I've told you five hundred times that I don't care a cent for Moses Pennel, that he's a hateful creature," said Sally, looking very red and determined.

"Bet's funking it, she's a mammy's girl, she's tied to her mammy's apron-strings, he-he-he!" The other girls all joined in the laugh; and Bet, who was standing stolid and straight in the centre of the group, first flushed angrily, then turned pale and bit her lips. "I ain't funking," she said; "nobody can ever say as there's any funk about me, there's my share. Good-night."

There's Lady Elizabeth Messing coming to lunch and you know she can't bear to be kept waiting-never do, you know, not to be there to see her when she arrives he-he-he! We should never get over it in London or out of London 'pon my life! I do assure you!"

When was that? I don't remember. But I shan't go. Why should I? I only said a word to her in passing yesterday of the possibility of her obtaining a year's salary as a destitute widow of a government clerk. I suppose she has invited me on that account, hasn't she? He-he-he!" "I don't intend to go either," said Lebeziatnikov. "I should think not, after giving her a thrashing!

And then Miss Meadows shook her head "If you stay too long you'll find me dead. And it's good-by, ducky, And it's good-by, dear! You'll find me dead When you come next year!" For this is Mr. Rabbit, that runs on the grass, So rise up, ladies, and let him pass. Mr. Owl called out from the top of the tree, "Oh, who? Oh, who?" and "He-he-he!" Mr. Fox slipped off in the woods and cried; Mr.

"I'm thinking it's what you and Admiral Bluewater so freely administer to His Majesty's enemies, whenever ye fall in with 'em at sea; he-he-he " answered Magrath, chuckling at his own humour; which, as the quantity was small, was all the better in quality. "Surely he does not mean powder and shot! We give the French shot; Sir Wycherly has not been shot?"

"Virtue is its own penalty," paraphrased Pink, not stopping to see whether the statement applied to the subject. "Haw-haw-haw!" roared Big Medicine, quite as irrelevantly. "He-he-he," supplemented the silver-trimmed one.

Peter Magnus, that he laboured under a very considerable degree of nervousness, of which loss of appetite, a propensity to upset the tea-things, a spectral attempt at drollery, and an irresistible inclination to look at the clock, every other second, were among the principal symptoms. 'He-he-he,'tittered Mr. Magnus, affecting cheerfulness, and gasping with agitation.