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Updated: August 29, 2024

Now, Ah’s gwine leave yo’ fo’ de night,” clacked the late guide. “Ef yo’ done feel lonesome, yo’ jes’ whistle de dawgs down to yo’. Dey’ll come!” While the light was still there Benson, in raging silence, gathered the blankets and arranged them. “Roll up one fo’ a pillow, under yo’ haid,” grinned the mulatto. “Dat’s all right, sah. Now, good night, Marse Benson.

Well, I’m told they up and makes Simpson an offer to get rid of the sheep. Jim has over five thousand, an’ it’s just before lambing, and them pore ewes, all heavy, is being druv’ down to Watson’s shearing-pens, that Jim always shears at. Jim an’ two herders and a couple of dawgsleast, this is the way I heard itis drivin’ ’em easy, ’cause, as I said before, it’s just before lambing.

And he shook them slightly to emphasize his command. One hung on his hand, limp as a rag. The other showed fight, kicking our friend liberally about the shins, with hobnailed boots which did, most confoundly, hurt. "You lem' me go," he cried. "Lem' me go, or I'll tell father, and first time you come along by our place 'e'll set the ratting dawgs on to you. Our ole bitch 'as got 'er teeth yet.

"Your consumin’ anxiety regardin’ my gov’ment and my children shore reminds me of a narrative appertainin’ to two dawgs. Them dawgs was neighbors, livin’ in adj’inin’ yards separated by a fence, and one day one of them got a good meaty bone and settled hisself down to the enj’yment thereof.

"Look 'ere, you nipper, I ain't a-goin' to stand in your light. You're goin' up in the world, says you. Well, you ain't the only one. Lord Arden's bought father's cottage an' 'e's goin' to build on to it, and I'm to 'ave all the dawgs down 'ere, and sell 'em through the papers like. And you'll come an' 'ave a look at us sometimes." "And what about Amelia?" said Dickie, "and the little ones?"

When they entered, Shapolnik, the butterfly of fashion, had once more assumed the chrysalis of his working clothes. "How do you do, Mister Potash?" he cried, all in one breath. "Excuse me; I am looking like a slob. We are busy like dawgs here. Katzberg!" he yelled; "Kimmen Sie hieran."

I've told that man, more times 'n I've got fingers an' toes, that he was too soft-hearted; allus feedin' tramps 'n' stray dawgs, an' swallerin' all the beggars' yarns. 'I guess ye needn't worrit, M'riar, the old man said, with a faint show of spirit. 'Things might 'a' been worst.

Ah want yo’ to take off all yo’ clothes ’cept yo’ undahclothes, an’ den Ah’ll let down a string fo’ yo’ to tie ’em to,” declared the mulatto, grinning. “Yo’ needn’t try ter slip yo’ wallet, nor nuffin’ outer mah sight, cause Ah’ll be watchin’. Now, git a hurry on, Marse Benson, or Ah’ll done push dem dawgs ober de aidge ob dis flooring.” Jack hesitated only a moment.

And he laughed hoarsely. "Non!" said the driver suddenly, "it is not the 'otel dog." The American did not lose interest. "These little dawgs are all alike," he said. "Dare say if you kicked that dawg in the face, he'd bite you. Hup, Michael!" With that he fell into deep thought. We rattled up and down the steep streets, out among tidy fields, and back into the noisily sedate city again.

"Lucky fer ye thet yo' struck a cabin whar the latch string air allus out," she answered, her silver laughter echoing his. "I hadn't a' ought ter hev been so skeered, but I warn't payin' no attention ter all the barkin', fer I jest allowed thet the dawgs hed treed a coon, er somep'n. Yo' see they haint exactly fond o' strangers, an' they be powerful fierce.

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