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Do you mind how he played last night?" "You bet your life. I had nothin' else to do. He's a crackerjack, and that's no josh, either. But here comes Mac. What in thunder's that?" The question was put to the man entering with a heavy load in his hands. MacDougall laughed. "Only a nugget that Tom turned up.

She teached me 'bout 'Scuffle little chillens and forbid 'em not, and 'bout 'Ananias telled Sapphira he done it with his little hatchet, and 'bout 'Lijah jumped over the moon in a automobile: I know everything what's in the Bible. Miss Cecilia sure is a crackerjack; she's 'bout the stylishest Sunday-School teacher they is."

"I don't know what's come over that fellow, Mawruss," Abe said at last. "Formerly he was a crackerjack never made no mistakes nor nothing; and now I dassen't trust him at all, Mawruss. Everything we ship I got to look after it myself, Mawruss. We might as well have no shipping clerk at all." "You're right, Abe," Morris replied. "He gets carelesser every day. And why, Abe?

Three times he said he must be going, yet did not stir, which quite amused Josh Kingsley and Felix Robbins. "Our scout master sure must have missed his calling when he set out to be a civil engineer and surveyor," whispered the former in the ear of Felix. "That's so," replied the other, "for while he may be a pretty good civil engineer, he'd made a crackerjack of a lawyer or a preacher.

"No! no! Don't breathe a word I've said to you. He may be a crackerjack, and I wouldn't do him an injustice for the world. All the same, I wish he hadn't broken my stop-watch." "D'you think he broke it a-purpose?" "What do you think?" Stover mopped the sweat from his brow. "Can't we time him with a ordinary watch?" "Sure. We can take yours. It won't be exact, but " "I ain't got no watch.

'It's a cracker jack. Paul's heart gave a sudden leap. Could it be that here was the wealthy connoisseur? He was wealthy, for he drove an automobile and lived in an expensive hotel. He was a connoisseur, for he had said that the picture was a crackerjack. 'Monsieur is kind, murmured Paul. 'It's a bear-cat, said the young man, admiringly.

He used to be a crackerjack football player in his day; and it was a good deal owing to his work with the nine that Chester won through with Harmony in baseball." "We all give old Joe most of the credit," Jack told him, bluntly; "and he's promised to whip the eleven into a smoothly running team before the season begins.

They seem to be going back on me, that's all." For several days he continued to fall over and bump into the office furniture. But O'Hara's heart was not softened. "I tell you what, Kit," he said one day, "you've got to see an oculist. There's Doctor Hassdapple. He's a crackerjack. And it won't cost you anything. We can get it for advertizing. I'll see him myself."

"I'll question the camera men," he announced. "Who are they?" "Harry Watkins is the head photographer," Werner explained. "He's a crackerjack, too! One of the best lighting experts in the country. Al Penny's grinding the other box." "Let's have Watkins first." Kennedy nodded to Mackay to escort the director from the room.

"Why shouldn't he hold a job, Abe?" Morris asked. "If I would have a crackerjack drummer, for my part he could play the whole book of Hoyle, from klabbias to stuss, and it wouldn't affect me none so long as he sold the goods." "Maybe you're right, Mawruss," Abe admitted. "But when a feller fools away his time at auction pinochle his business is bound to suffer."