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"General trading through the Marquesas, the Society Islands, and the Gilberts." "Happen to be goin' to Aranuka, in the Gilberts?" "You bet. Got a trading station there." "How are you off for a good mate?" "Got one." "How about a second mate?" "Got a crackerjack." "Well, I'm not particular. I'll make a bully bo'sun, sir." "Very well.

"I'm afraid I read very few novels." "It is not a novel. It is a treatise on the need for implanting a sense of personal duty to the future of the race in the modern young man." "It sounds a crackerjack. I must get it." "I will send you a copy. At the same time I will send you my 'Principles of Selection' and 'What of To-morrow? They will make you think." "I bet they will. Thank you very much."

But look over there,” returned Captain Jack Benson. “You see the ’Pollard’ taking the wind out of our teeth, don’t you?” “Yes,” Hal admitted, looking more puzzled. “Do you think our engines are doing the top-notch of their best?” asked Benson. “Yes; for Williamson is a crackerjack machinist. He knows our engines as well as any man alive could do.”

"Well, don't yuh worry none, Dilly. I'm here to see yuh pull out on top, and you'll do it, too. You're a crackerjack when it comes to the fine points uh business, and I sure savvy the range end uh the game, so between us we ought to make good, don't yuh think?

'Captain Oleson, she says, sweet as you please, 'I've a few minutes to spare on you, and I've got some good whisky over on the Emily. Come on along. Besides, I want your advice about this wrecking business. Everybody says you're a crackerjack sailor-man' that's what she said, 'crackerjack. And I went, in her whale-boat, Adamu Adam steering and looking as solemn as a funeral.

They seem to be going back on me, that's all." For several days he continued to fall over and bump into the office furniture. But O'Hara's heart was not softened. "I tell you what, Kit," he said one day, "you've got to see an oculist. There's Doctor Hassdapple. He's a crackerjack. And it won't cost you anything. We can get it for advertizing. I'll see him myself."

"Now, Cap, take this from me," muttered Eph, with the air of a wiseacre. "When a man seems a crackerjack at anything, and doesn't have as good a position as you think he ought to have, keep your eye on him." "For what?" asked Captain Jack, smilingly. "Oh, just to see what turns out to be wrong with the fellow." "What can be, wrong with Henderson?"

He said he preferred to play a lone hand. His manner was unpleasant all the time. He knows it all. I could see that." "Anyhow, he's a crackerjack in his line. Have you heard from your father since he set out?" "Not yet." "Well, I'm going to start to-night with a posse for the Cache. If O'Connor comes back, tell him I'll follow the Roaring Fork."

He said he must remain at home to harvest his crop of jackson-balls, lemon-drops, bonbons and chocolate-creams. Also he had large fields of crackerjack and buttered pop corn to be mowed and threshed, and he was determined not to disappoint the children of Oogaboo by going away to conquer the world and so let the candy crop spoil.

"Crackerjack" dropped the paper and turned like a flash, knife upraised in his clenched hand, to confront a very little girl and a still smaller boy staring at him in open-eyed astonishment, an astonishment which was without any vestige of alarm. He looked down at the two and they looked up at him, equal bewilderment on both sides.