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"And you kept it from me?" cried the other. "Read it," said William Carstairs. With trembling hands "Crackerjack" tore it open. It was a message of love and forgiveness penned by a dying hand. "If I had had this then I might have been a different man," said the poor wretch. "There is another paper under it, or there should be, in the same drawer," went on William Carstairs, imperturbably.

Be very still." He reached his hand up and turned out the light. He half hoped he might be mistaken, or that in the darkness they would not be seen, but no. They all heard the footsteps on the stair. They came down slowly, and it was evident that whoever was approaching was using every precaution not to be heard. "Crackerjack" was in a frightful situation.

"Me!" said the green-gold blonde, and laughed not prettily. "I ain't a woman. I'm a queen of burlesque. "Burlesque? You mean one of those " Emma McChesney stopped, her usually deft tongue floundering. "One of those 'men only' troupes? You guessed it. I'm Blanche LeHaye, of the Sam Levin Crackerjack Belles.

"We must have more cones, and cracker-jack." "We've had crackerjack." "We must have more crackerjack. Where is the Crackerjack Boy?" At the end of the show in the ring they took a vote and decided to stay to see it all over again. What did it matter if they had seen the tinsel fairy jump through her fiery hoop or the acrobats perform their wonders? They felt acquainted now.

At the time of this funeral, we had a crackerjack five year old chestnut sorrel gelding that could show his heels to any horse in the country. He was a peach, you could turn him on a saddle blanket and jump him fifteen feet, and that cow never lived that he couldn't cut.

"The week-end parties to which you have been invited," Ford objected, "can wait. Tell me first what chance there is for an international polo match." "Polo," sententiously began the Second Secretary, who himself was a crackerjack at the game, "is a proposition of ponies! Men can be trained for polo. But polo ponies must be born. Without good ponies "

Nothing pleases me better than to take a nice girl who isn't as well off as I am out and blow her off to a crackerjack dinner. Now, you may have thought a dollar was too much to tip the waiter?" "A dollar is a dollar, isn't it?" said Susan. Gideon laughed. "I used to think so. And most men wouldn't give that much to a waiter.

Yet they did not consider themselves abused, nor did they harbor any hard feelings toward her on account of her sharp tongue. They realized that she was a "crackerjack" trainer, and for the sake of winning that contest they were willing to endure her caustic comments meekly. "I'll never get left and right wheel correctly," sighed Oh-Pshaw with a discouraged air.

We're here just in time, for she's in eruption now! Come on, Ned, help me get out the camera! Mr. Damon, you and Mr. Nestor manage the airship! Put us as close as you dare! I'm going to get some crackerjack pictures!" Once more came a great report. "Bless my toothpick!" gasped Mr. Damon. "This is awful!"

It ought to be prime," chuckled the owner of the camp. "It was cut from the quarters of a buck which my nephew here, Royal Sinclair," pointing out the tallest of three lads, "shot four days ago. He was a regular crackerjack that buck! I mean, he was as fine a deer as ever I saw; weighed over two hundred pounds, had seven prongs to his horns on one side and six on the other.