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"What's got inter you?" demanded Old John. "Our broncs are gone! Our broncs are gone!" yelled Stevenson, shoving Old John roughly to one side as he dashed through the doorway and on into the room he had assigned to the sullen and bibulous stranger. "I knowed it! I knowed it!" he wailed, popping out again as if on springs. "He's gone, an' he's took our broncs with him, the measly, low-down dog!

They'd ought to land him, too." "Oh, ought to," derided the other impatiently. "Point is, if they don't. How are we going to save her? You know this country. I don't." "Don't tear your shirt, amigo," smiled the ranger. "We'll arrive faster if we don't go off half-cocked. Let's picket the broncs, amble down to the spring, and smoke a cigaret.

He was still a bit under par, a trifle washed-out, but he wanted to take the road in pursuit of Miller and Doble, who had again decamped in a hurry with the two horses they had stolen. "They had the broncs hid up Frio Cañon way, I reckon," explained Hart. "But they didn't take no chances. When they left that 'dobe house they lit a-runnin' and clumb for the high hills on the jump.

It'll be up to us to change his mind. If you're all set, Sure-Shot, we'll drift down an' start the peace talk." Bob moistened his dry lips. "All set." They rode down the hillside, topped another rise, and descended into the draw where a camp was pitched. A young fellow chopping firewood moved forward to meet them. "There's Powder River with the broncs," Bob said in a low voice to his friend.

"Oh, my God, what shall I do!" Sim Gage's face was frowning more than ever. "Now, you mustn't take on, ma'am," said he. "I'm sorry as I can be fer you, but I got to drive these broncs. But fer as I'm concerned it ain't just what I want to say, neither I can't make it right plain to you, ma'am. It ain't right fer me to say I'm almost glad you can't see but somehow, that's right the way I do feel!

"Maybe he can give as good an alibi as you, Dave." "You and I will go straight there," decided Sanders. "Steve, get three saddle horses. We'll ride out to the Bend and see what we can learn on the ground." "I'll cash my chips, get the broncs, and meet you lads at Crawford's," said Russell promptly. Joyce opened the door to the knock of the young men. At sight of them her face lit.

Just wait. An' now, ladies, the matter on hand may not be amusin' or excitin' to you; but to this heah cowboy outfit it's powerful important. An' all the help you can give us will sure be thankfully received. Take a look across the links. Do you-all see them two apologies for human bein's prancin' like a couple of hobbled broncs?

The girl clasped his left arm about her neck and rushed him out beside the pony. "Brace up!" she breathlessly implored him. "Grip hold of his mane with your good hand. We'll have to hit out. The broncs are coming." She ran back to snatch up Lennon's sombrero, the rifles and one of the canteens. The other had been emptied into Lennon's face.

Little knots of cowpunchers stood about drinking at the bar or discussing the coming celebration. "They've got a bunch of bad ones down in the corral," someone said. "That ol' roman nose, an' the wall-eyed pinto, besides a lot of snorty lookin' young broncs. I tell yeh if Tex draws either one of them ol' outlaws it hain't no cinch he'll grab off this ride.

"I think not. You and I will go alone." "Just as you say. Reilly, I guess you better saddle Two-step and the Lazy B roan." "I ain't saddling ponies for Mr. Leroy," returned Reilly, with thick defiance. Neil was across the room in two strides. "When I tell you to do a thing, jump! Get a move on and saddle those broncs." "I don't know as " "Vamos!" Reilly sullenly slouched out.