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"Doesn' you want me to fetch you a li'l julep fer a mawnin'-mawnin'? It'll make yoh breakfas' set mighty good arter all dem peaches, an' I ain' fixed you none for why, it must be moh'n a month!" "No, you old sinner, I'm through with your mawnin'-mawnin's; and if you bring any around I'll take you to the grindstone!" Uncle Zack stroked his jaw and grinned. "Sho!

"Rather ungracious to travelers, eh?" "Ef you're a traveler, go to the hoe-tel yonder an' buy your breakfas' like a man." "Thank you; I may follow your advice." The agent walked up the track and put out the semaphore lights, for the sun was beginning to rise over the hills. By the time he came back a colored porter stood on the platform of the private car and nodded to him.

"When I gib de stove fire, den me gib de Cap-i-tan, wid de crew, some good breakfas," said he with a gleam of satisfaction. This individual, reader, was Manuel Pereira, or, as he was called by his shipmates, Pe-rah-re. Manuel was born in Brazil, an extract of the Indians and Spanish, claiming birthright of the Portuguese nation.

"La now, misus," said matter-of-fact Aun' Suke, again shaking with mirth at the idea, "you got mo' edication 'n me. Wat de use bein' blin' des on puppose? Hit's broad sun-up. Why not des look at tings ez dey iz? Sabe a heap ob trouble. Yere, you lil niggahs, hep right smart or you neber get yo' breakfas'." Mrs.

We forgot one ting for sartin," exclaimed Cyd, suddenly looking as sober as though he had not a friend in the world. "What, Cyd." "De bell." "Bell? What do we want of a bell?" "To call de folks to breakfas, to be sure," replied Cyd, distending his mouth from ear to ear. "I think we can get along without a bell," replied Dan, laughing at the folly of his companion.

Dere was a no-'count yaller gal, Sally Alley dey call her, wot he'ped erbout de breakfas' an' sech; but she warn't a sho' 'nuff cook naw'm! "She 'lowed she was. She was de beatenes' gal for t'inkin' she knowed eberyt'ing. But, glo-ree! dar wasn't nobody on dat plantation wot could cook er goose tuh suit Mars' Colby lak' my ol' mammy.

She ain't one dem kin' dat takes a husban like dey takes a breakfas kase its ready." Clancy was so profoundly moved by what he heard that he turned away to hide his emotion. After a moment he said: "You have been true and faithful, Aun' Sheba. You won't be sorry. Please do as I have asked." And he hastened away. "Reckon I put a spoke in dat hon'ble bizness," Aun' Sheba soliloquized.

He say he sleepin' better'n he uster." "Zack, do you want to ride over to Mister Bob's for me before breakfast?" "You knows I do 'foh breakfas', an' arter breakfas'!" "Then get your mule I'll have something for you to take."

Boy, if you was to set beefsteak and bake' 'taters and ham and eggs down befo' dem fool men ev'y mo'ning foh breakfas', dey'd come heah hollerin' and cussin' and tellin' me dey wah n't gwine have dey innards spiled on all dat yeh truck jest 'cause dem aft can't eat it." Turning his ferocious scowl full upon me, the savage-looking darky handed me the kids.

Why, if there's one thing in this world worth knowin' that my granddaughter don't know Go order breakfas' ready in two shakes, Guy Little." "I did," said Guy Little. "It's ready already. There they come. Happy-lookin', ain't they? Like a couple kids." "An' see that them two new saddle-horses is ready right after breakfas' for 'em, Guy Little." "They're ready now," chuckled Guy Little.