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Updated: August 26, 2024

Ef he doos I guess he'll make aout, fur I don't bleeve ez a kumpny o' men could be raised in all Berkshire, tew go an fight the redcoats agin, if they wuz to come to-morrer." And a general murmur of assent confirmed his words. "Wal," said Abner, recovering speech, "live an larn.

Just within, and on its immediate left, there is a small paper nailed up with four nails, and containing, is written English, these words, as a reminder for each preacher during his "supplications" "Pray for God's ancient people of Israel." "Does this mean the Jews?" said we to an elderly man near us, whilst we were scrutinizing with a plaintive eye, the pulpit, and he replied, "Bleeve it does."

'Confusion to that cur, says Jack to himself, 'I know now there's some bad fortune before me, or he wouldn't be coming acrass me. "'Come home to your breakfast, Jack, says the dog, walking up to him, 'it's breakfast time. "'Ay, says Jack, scratching his head, 'it's no matter whether I do or not, for I bleeve my head's hardly worth a flat-dutch cabbage at the present speaking.

The change that brought you here, Miss Moss, was just sweet. Only I wish it had turned into a stay." Elsie drew the little thing close to her. At the moment she herself almost wished it had been a stay. "I wonder if that's my hard," prattled the child. "Mother says everybody, even rich people, have hard things to bear. Do you bleeve so, Miss Moss?" Elsie looked startled.

But Louie's mouth was conveniently occupied with a bull's-eye, and she only sucked it the more vigorously in answer. 'Why, yo little silly, if it worn't for that we couldno ha no leet. They'd see us from t' fields even, as soon as it's real dark. 'Doan't bleeve it, said Louie, laconically, in a voice much muffled by bull's-eyes. 'Wal, yo needn't; I'm gooin to have my tea.

"Never mind wat I mean," replied Abner, "on'y a wum 'll turn wen it's trod on." "I don' bleeve but that Laban's mistook wat the Squire said. Ye ain't none tew clever, ye know, yerself, Laban, and I callate that ye didn' more'n half understan' wat Squire meant."

"Indeed, I'll not forget it, Phaddhy." "And it's yourself that may say that; but I bleeve I rubbed the consate off of your Reverence only that's betune ourselves, you persave." "You did win the palm, Phaddhy, I'll not deny it; but you are the only man that ever bet me at either of the athletics.

Victory's hopeful sun Albert Edward threw Kanady with my onparaleled Show, and tho I haint made much in a pecoonary pint of vew, I've lernt sumthin new, over hear on British Sile, whare they bleeve in Saint George and the Dragoon. Previs to cumin over hear I tawt my organist how to grind Rule Brittany and other airs which is poplar on British Sile.

"Perhaps you're getting tired of my cooking?" Wallie suggested, artlessly. "I'm tired now if this is a spec'min of what you aim to feed us," John declared, suspiciously. "I bleeve you done it on purpose." Wallie did not deny it. "I'm holler to the toes and I can't work on an empty stummick," said Will, disgustedly.

"Well, they've lopped them good ole things off one by one an' they don't 'bleeve in nothin' now but jes' jin'in'. They think jes' jin'in' fixes 'em that it gives 'em a free pass into the pearly gates.

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