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Updated: August 2, 2024

Sanderson, I blebe dat yo' name, I'll go an' bury yo' dog fur you. Ladies an' gennermen, under de moon an' yeah 'neath de trees, I wush you good-night." "Poetic duck," said Tom, as the darkey turned away. "Charming in his pleading and in his gallantry," his aunt replied.

I doan blebe in deze yere 'spensive funuls nohow. Huh, an' you oughter hab ernuff by dis time ter bury bof o' us. An' ef you says de word I'll be buried side o' you ter keep you comp'ny." She ceased her work and looked at him. "I won't need no comp'ny. I'll be busy tellin' de Lawd 'bout de folks down yere. An, I gwine tell him, w'in I goes home."

Av ye wur dying fer a foight, ye'd challenge him. Ye're th' biggest coward on th' face av th' earth. Ye give me distriss!" "Vos dot so!" retorted Hans. "Don'd you pelieve me! Vos id my blace to fight mit a blebe?" "Of course it is yer place, ye ignoramus." "Vell, I didn't know dot. Maype I fight him some dime pime-py right avay soon alretty yet." "Oh, no ye won't." "Von't I?"

"And they are what you call 'sperits? Then you are a natural born fool; if you do not shove this boat along I will break your head with this pole." "Boss, I shall always blebe in dem sperits."

Starbuck, ef it's jest de same ter you, I blebe I'd like ter quit dis place." "Why do you want to quit? Don't I give you plenty to do?" "Oh, yas, suh; dat is on er pinch. But de truf is it 'pear ter me like things er gittin' sort er squawlly roun' yere. Dat man Peters he's threatenin' ter knock er nail kag in de head an' ring er dish rag an' I doan want ter git in no row.

"I kin always tell dat; ef it draws up its legs and kicks, I kno dat sumthin' is de matter, an' I den gib sum ciderberry juice wid nutmeg grated ober it, an' in no time de baby cries fer more ob de juice. Sum folks gib dar babies 'Godfrey's Cordial, but I dus not blebe in doctors' fisic; nine times out ob ten dey will kill de baby. I thort dat you war sum kin to Mr.

I tole him dat I did not blebe in doctors' physic; dey did not no what to do for babies. I tole him dat nex to de cider berry juice an' sugar rag, dat de Black Jack was de bes medcin dat I could use. He sed dat de Black Jack seldom failed. Missus, when dat gemman 'peared at my do, I thort dat he was a specalader, an' dat you was gwine to sell me." "No, Aunt Barbara," said Mrs.

I's er scoundul, you know." "Do you want me to mash your head?" Kintchin put his hand to his head. "Whut, dis one right yere? No, suh, I doan blebe I does." "Well, then answer me. That woman and young chap here yet?" "Yas, suh, da's yere." "She's his aunt, I understand." "Yas, suh, dat's whut you un'erstand." "Why did they come here? What are they doin'?" "Gimmy time.

"Here, you scoundrel, I thought I told you to haul a load of corn over to Spencer's." The negro came up to the window. "Yas, suh, but you didn't tell me. I heard you tell dat man Laz, but he sich a liar you kain't blebe nuthin' dat's said ter him." Jasper turned away to laugh and Kintchin came round into the house. "But you heard me tell him, you scoundrel," said the old man.

I's gwine pray fur you de fust chance I gits, an' it won't be long now dat my rush is sorter ober fo' I does git er chance. But ef you'll jest gib me er quarter mo' I'll leave off ever'thin' an' pray fur you right now." "No, that's enough." "Doan blebe much in pra'r, does you? Wall, I hatter make dis do." Mrs.

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