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Raoul was ablaze with indignation. "'Sieur Frowenfel', gimmy dat lett'!" He extended his pretty hand. Frowenfeld pondered. "Gimmy 'er!" persisted the artist; "befo' I lose de sight from dat lett' she goin' to be hanswer by Sylvestre Grandissime, an' 'e goin' to wrat you one appo-logie! Oh! I goin' mek 'im crah fo' shem!" "If I could know you would do only as I "

He made a threatening gesture and Kintchin, backing further off, cried out, "Doan rush me, suh. Ef I'se er scoundul you hatter give me time. Er scoundul hatter be keerful whut he say. I seed Mr. Starbuck dis mawnin', suh." Peters turned as if to go out, but halted and looked at Kintchin. The old negro nodded. "Say, is that young feller and that woman here yit?" "Gimmy time gimmy time.

Pewt and Beany was both mad, and are going to lay for Gimmy. Feb. 21, i forgot to say what the wether was most every day this weak. it has been brite and fair most of the time, only it snowed two days and raned most of one day. brite and fair today and cold as time. Feb. 23, Clowdy and cold. Pop Clark had to crawl through a chair today. he went through so fast old Francis only hit him 2 bats.

Feb. 20. i dident get the prise. you see yesterday John Flanygin spelt more words write than Gimmy Fitsgerald and Gimmy went to the foot. when we marked slates Gimmy marked 9 of my words wrong out of 20, and i had to go down most to where John Flannygin was. old Francis said he dident beleave i had aught to have staid at the head so long as i did and i was afraid he wood lick me and John but he dident. he said he was ashamed and disapointed in me but i gess he was not the only one who was disapointed. i had told Pewt and Beany i wood treat on what father wood give me for getting the prise.

I's er scoundul, you know." "Do you want me to mash your head?" Kintchin put his hand to his head. "Whut, dis one right yere? No, suh, I doan blebe I does." "Well, then answer me. That woman and young chap here yet?" "Yas, suh, da's yere." "She's his aunt, I understand." "Yas, suh, dat's whut you un'erstand." "Why did they come here? What are they doin'?" "Gimmy time.

Jan. 22. i had to stay in the wood-box today for whispering to Whacker with the cover down. i like it becaus they is a peep hole in the box and you can see the fellers and they cant see you. by and by Gimmy Fitsgerald whispered and old Francis put him in to and we took turns peeping. Jan. 23. it raned hard all day and we had one sesion.

Gosh wont father be sirprized i nearly got a prise once when Fliperty Flannygan marked my words all rite and i wood have got it if it hadent been for Gimmy Fitsgerald. but this time i am going to get it. i bet the folks will think i am quite a feller. Feb. 24. Brite and fair. i dident miss in school today. tonite i staid in and studied.

Gimmy Watson, Beanys brother said if Beanys head hadent been jest like the choping block it wood have killed him. Gimmy is mad becaus Beany calls him Gami. He can lick Beany alone and can lick me alone but me and Beany together can lick him. Feb. 17. they was a fire down on franklin street today and Bob Carter got all squirted over and his close frose to the ladder he was on.