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"I've been thinking, Osborn." "A wretched exercise," he said gaily. "Don't you worry yourself, chicken. Just be happy. That's all I ask." He grew the least degree pathetic. "I can't be here all day to look after you, and see that you're happy; you'll have to see to it yourself. Do that for me, will you? Make my girl awf'ly happy." "I am happy, Osborn."

"Yes," The shining head nodded. "Too bad you didn't fell 'way down. I'm sorry. But you kicked awf'ly." "Oh! I did, did I?" asked the Bishop. "You're an unrepentant young sinner. Suppose I'd broken my leg?" The head nodded again. "Oh, we'd have patzed you up," she said cheerfully. "Don't worry. Trust in God." The Bishop jumped. "My child," he said, "who says that to you?" "Aunt Basha."

"Yes, of course. I should think they did!" "Muffin, Osborn?" "Thank you, darling. I say," he smiled with gratification, "you look as though you'd all done yourselves pretty well while I've been away. This is cosy." He indicated the tea table. "Of course, after mother's death " "I was awf'ly sorry, Marie. I'm afraid I wrote rather a brief letter about it; life was rather a rush, you know."

We've got turned out for that already." "Do you chaps mean to say you didn't make Rabbits-Eggs drunk and bribe him to rock King's rooms?" "Bribe him? No, that I'll swear we didn't," said Stalky, with a relieved heart, for he loved not to tell lies. "What a low mind you've got, Pussy! We've been down having a bath. Did Rabbits-Eggs rock King? Strong, perseverin' man King? Shockin'!" "Awf'ly.

Regimental Sarjen' Majer! I shall be an Orficer more like, and walk acrost the crossin' wot you're asweepin', to me Club in bloomin' well Pickerdilly! Yus. This is the days o' ? Demockerycy, me lad. 'Good Lloyd George's golden days' as they sing and steady fellers like me is goin' to ave C'missh'ns an' don' you fergit it! Farver 'ung indeed!" "I'm awf'ly sorry, Corporal, really," apologized Dam.

In answer to her unspoken inquiry he went at once to her side, and laid his hand upon her head, where the hair, smoothly parted for the night, looked sleek and innocent like a little girl's. "Your mother told me," he began; then he bent and kissed her. "I'm awf'ly sorry. I s'pose we've got to make the best of it, old thing. I will if you will. It's the very devil, isn't it?" "Yes," she sighed.

Again he bowed, grinning awry. She rose suddenly. "You will be good enough to explain your presence here," she informed him with dangerous serenity. "To be frank with you " "I advise that course, Mr. Kirkwood." "Thanks, awf'ly.... I came here, half an hour ago, looking for a lost purse full well, not quite full of sovereigns. It was my purse, by the way."

I tell her you're awf'ly sensible an' jolly lettin' a fellow come like this, now, and talk to you's jolly, ain't it? An' you will try my mobe? Awf'ly jolly 'twould be to take a spin." "Very jolly indeed," I said. I turned my head that I might not see his shining scalp. Thank heaven, I thought, Hughy doesn't know enough to be deterred by two rejections, nor even by the gossip about Strathay.

I lay up behind their sungars early this morning and watched 'em. They all went to confer about it at the head of the gorge. Awf'ly annoyed they are. Don't wonder. You know the way Stalky drops out his words, one by one." "My God!" said the Infant, explosively, as the full depth of the strategy dawned on him. "Dear-r man!" said McTurk, purring rapturously. "Stalky stalked," said Tertius.

Roused from his momentary despair by these terrible signs, Acton seized his friend by the throat of his overcoat, and jerked him to his feet. He shook him savagely until some sign of intelligence glimmered in the sleepy eyes. "Jack! Jack! Keep awake! We'll win out yet if you do." "All right, old man: my head buzzes awf'ly, Where are we? What are you doing?" "We're going down the hill.