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Then the three buried themselves in Number Five lavatory, turned on all the taps, filled the place with steam, and dropped weeping into the baths, where they pieced out the war. "Moi! Je! Ich! Ego!" gasped Stalky. "I waited till I couldn't hear myself think, while you played the drum! Hid in the coal-locker and tweaked Rabbits-Eggs and Rabbits-Eggs rocked King. Wasn't it beautiful?

I zee 'un!" roared Rabbits-Eggs, now that he had found a visible foe another shot from the darkness above. "Yiss, yeou, yeou long-nosed, fower-eyed, gingy-whiskered beggar! Yeu'm tu old for such goin's on. Aie! Poultice yeour nose, I tall 'ee! Poultice yeour long nose!" Beetle's heart leaped up within him. Somewhere, somehow, he knew, Stalky moved behind these manifestations.

Only inky schoolboys we are, and must be treated as such." Beetle pricked up his ears, for Rabbits-Eggs was swearing savagely on the road, and some of the language entered at the upper sash. King believed in ventilation. He strode to the window gowned and majestic, very visible in the gaslight. "I zee 'un!

Rabbits-Eggs is a little shy of me, somehow. But I swore it was pax between us, and gave him a bob. He stopped at two pubs on the way in, so he'll be howling drunk to-night. Oh, don't begin reading, Beetle; there's a council of war on. What the deuce is the matter with your collar?" "'Chivied Manders minor into the Lower Third box-room.

"That's beastly unfair," said Stalky, "when I took all the trouble to pawn it. Beetle never knew he had a watch. Oh, I say, Rabbits-Eggs gave me a lift into Bideford this afternoon." Rabbits-Eggs was the local carrier an outcrop of the early Devonian formation. It was Stalky who had invented his unlovely name. "He was pretty average drunk, or he wouldn't have done it.

Another buckshot tore through the rotten canvas tilt with a vicious zipp. "Habet!" murmured Stalky, as Rabbits-Eggs swore into the patient night, protesting that he saw the "dommed colleger" who was assaulting him.

Again, when you had rooms below them I always said that that was entering the lion's den you turned them out." "For making disgusting noises. Surely, Gillett, you don't excuse " "All I say is that you turned them out. That same evening your study was wrecked." "By Rabbits-Eggs most beastly drunk from the road," said King. "What has that?" The Reverend John went on.

"Oh, he's gone down to prayers," said Beetle, watching the shadow of the house-master on the wall. "Rabbits-Eggs was only a bit drunk, swearin' at his horse, and King jawed him through the window, and then, of course, he rocked King." "Do you mean to say," said Stalky, "that King began it?" King was behind them, and every well-weighed word went up the staircase like an arrow.

"There are double floor-boards there to deaden noise. No boy, even in my own house, could possibly have pried up the boards without leaving some trace and Rabbits-Eggs was phenomenally drunk that other night." "They are singularly favored by fortune. That is all I ever said. Personally, I like them immensely, and I believe I have a little of their confidence.

"I say," said McTurk, casting back through the years, "did Stalky ever tell you how Rabbits-Eggs came to rock King that night?" "No," said Dick Four. Then McTurk told. "I see," said Dick Four, nodding. "Practically he duplicated that trick over again. There's nobody like Stalky." "That's just where you make the mistake," I said.