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I s'y, you know, it must feel awf'ly peculiar to get bowled over on a d'y like this. I'd rather 'ave it on a cowld and frosty morning, wouldn't you? 'Ow are you off now, for the notion of a future styte? Do you cotton to the tea-fight views, or the old red-'ot bogey business?" "O, dry up!" said the captain. "No, but I want to know," said Huish.

A consciousness of sex had obtruded into the old boyish camaraderie. After a brisk canter they drew their horses together for a walk. Beatrice broke the ice of their commonplaces. She looked directly at him, her cheeks flushing. "I don't know how you're going to forgive me, Clay. I've been awf'ly small and priggish. I hate to think I'm ungenerous, but that's just what I've been."

Brains like Osborn's don't go cheap." "That's awf'ly nice," Julia replied. She looked down, and stroked the furs which she had bought for herself, and thought for a while. "Show me the flat, there's a dear." Julia professed raptures over all she saw; kissed Marie, and was gone. Once more the bride, but alone this time, turned earnestly to work.

"Any news to-day from Jackpot Number Three?" asked the president of that company. "Bob Hart sent in to get some supplies and had a note left for me at the post-office," Miss Joyce mentioned, a trifle annoyed at herself because a blush insisted on flowing into her cheeks. "He says it's the biggest thing he ever saw, but it's going to be awf'ly hard to control. Where is that note?

"Now they'll tell the whole school and Beetle'll make up a lot of beastly rhymes and nick-names." "But, hang it, she kissed me!" Outside of his work, Tulke's mind moved slowly. "I'm not thinking of you. I'm thinking of us. I'll go up to their study and see if I can make 'em keep quiet!" "Tulke's awf'ly cut up about this business," Naughten began, ingratiatingly, when he found Beetle.

If I'd been awake I'd have killed him. I wrote that to Hicksey next mail, and and that's all. I'm 'fraid I've been gassing awf'ly, sir." Cleever said nothing for a long time. The Infant looked uncomfortable. He feared that, misled by enthusiasm, he had filled up the novelist's time with unprofitable recital of trivial anecdotes. Then said Cleever, "I can't understand.

Dallison, I think that one you call 'The Shadow' is the most rippin'. There's a something about it that gets hold of you. That was the original, wasn't it, at your Christmas party attractive girl it's an awf'ly good likeness." Bianca's face had changed, but Mr. Purcey was not a man to notice a little thing like that. "If ever you want to part with it," he said, "I hope you'll give me a chance.

What are you going to do with me? Won't you say that you are sorry? CAPT. G. I am sorry for you, if you want the pity of such a brute as I am. I'm awf'ly sorry for you. MRS. H. Rather tame for a man of the world. Do you think that that admission clears you? CAPT. G. What can I do? I can only tell you what I think of myself. You can't think worse than that? MRS. H. Oh, yes, I can!

There are some things which a woman will not stand, and one is the sight of an abstracted man behind a paper, letting his crumbs fall down his waistcoat, when she feels nervy. "Lovely morning, dearest," said Osborn; "you ought to go for a brisk walk." "Perhaps I will." "You do look awf'ly seedy." "I feel it." "I hope your mother will come round this morning.

She hurried around the flat till she was tired again, but hasten as she might, Osborn arrived before the cooking was done. She was changing her gown when he appeared at the door of their room; she had not yet lowered the standard she had set for the ever-dainty wife prepared to charm her lord. "Hallo, kiddie!" said Osborn, his voice rather tired. "I'm awf'ly hungry. Had a quick lunch.