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"Sometimes," continued the lobster-moth-to-be, "they are, like myself, really worth eating. Then, mere vulgar imitation bluff is of little avail. To be a withered leaf is my first line of defence; if the ichneumon buzzes nearer, I shift my ground and become a spider.

"Ah, jufvrouw," cried Gretel, weeping afresh, "he is dying, I think. There are two meesters in with him at this moment, and the mother has scarcely spoken today. Can you hear him moan, jufvrouw?" she added with sudden terror. "The air buzzes so I cannot hear. He may be dead! Oh, I do wish I could hear him!" Hilda listened. The cottage was very near, but not a sound could be heard.

Is there anything further?" "Of a truth, dost thou not know? Nay, then, far be it from me to tell thee anything." She passed round them and started to go on. In a few paces, Nechutes overtook her. "Give us thy meaning, Ta-user," he said earnestly. "Kenkenes was near to me to Ta-meri. What knowest thou?" "The court buzzes with it. Strange indeed that ye heard it not.

"I do wish you wouldn't hurry me so," said Denny, snapping his fingers anxiously. And we tried to be patient. "Why shouldn't we be them?" Denny said at last. "He means antiquaries," said Oswald to the bewildered others. "But there's nowhere to go and nothing to do when we get there." Oswald listened as carefully as he could, but Denny always buzzes so when he whispers.

Or perhaps it is a radiant morning in June, and they are in the dining-room; the balcony door is open wide, and a large hornet buzzes loudly in the vine. Louise is still at the piano; she is singing this time, and trying to reach the low tones of a dramatic romance where a Corsican child is urged on to vengeance by his father: Tiens, prends ma carabiue! Sur toi veillera Dieu

It is only those semi-clerical beings who seem to unite with a singular grace all the weaknesses of both the sexes who persist in the attempt. Then, too, all the ideas of the parochial world become feminine; the parish buzzes with woman's hatred of the Poor-laws, and contempt for economic principles and hard-hearted statisticians.

There were occasional buzzes of angry conversation that cut off as he approached. Marsport had learned to hate all cops, and a change of uniform hadn't altered that; instead, the people seemed to resent the loss of the familiar symbol of hatred. He found Izzy and Randolph at the restaurant across from Mother Corey's. Izzy grinned suddenly at the sight of the uniform.

Or perhaps it is a radiant morning in June, and they are in the dining-room; the balcony door is open wide, and a large hornet buzzes loudly in the vine. Louise is still at the piano; she is singing this time, and trying to reach the low tones of a dramatic romance where a Corsican child is urged on to vengeance by his father: Tiens, prends ma carabiue! Sur toi veillera Dieu

The word is passed, an' our little jimcrow camp buzzes like bees, with us gettin' ready to hit the trail. Spencer asks "leave;" an' then saddles up an' starts at once. He says he's got a trick or two to turn in Vera Cruz before we sails. That's the last we-all ever beholds of Lootenant Jack Spencer.

Long before the tortuous folds which envelop the mystery can be penetrated, while it is still sunk in profound obscurity, the voice of the nation, like an excited hive, buzzes around the secret; though the magistrates doubt, the public curiosity fixes itself, and never leaves go; if the criminal's hiding-place is changed, it follows the track, points it out, descries it in the gloom.