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Updated: August 26, 2024

A chubby urchin made little hills of dust, using a well worn slipper for a trowel, and Dobbin kicked and stamped impatiently, occasionally taking another drink, and still the discussion went on. "Naow I argy, that a leetle deestrict school wus good 'nough fer me, an' look at me!

And I didn't argy with him, for I thought it would be quite a pull for us to git up there and git Tommy up, and I didn't know as the child ort to climb so fur, so I didn't oppose my pardner when he propsed to go back to the tarven, and we santered back through the streets filled with citizens of all countries and dressed accordin', to the grounds around the tarven.

Sez he, "You don't want to buy here; you can do as well agin in Jonesville tradin' off your butter and eggs, and probable git a chromo throwed in." I didn't argy, but I bought a string of beads for Tirzah Ann and a pipe for Thomas J., the wood of which growed on the Mount of Olives, so the man said. I told Josiah they would prize 'em high havin' come from Jerusalem.

"He used to lose his ounces like a man. But t'other night I knocked at his door, and asked him to come down an' hev a han'. He didn't say nothin', but she up an' sed he'd stopped playin'. I reely tuk it to be my duty to argy with her, an' show her how tough it wuz to cut off a feller's enjoyment; but she sed 'twas too high-priced fur the fun it fetched."

"Three inches more tew one side an' he'd a-got me, tew. "Wal, me an' Spike didn't stop tew argy none after that; but got back ahind them bushes an' trees as sudden as our legs would take us. But," and Ugger paused and glared at Thure and Bud, "if I knowed I was on my deathbed an' a-goin' tew die in five minits, I'd be willin' tew swear that th' tew murderers was them tew boys a-standin' thar.

"Modern history don't seem to favor the scheme " But his axent wuz as weak as a cat and his boughten smile seemed crackin' and wearin' out; he knowed better. Sez I, "We won't argy long on that p'int, for I might overwhelm you if I approved of overwhelmin', but, will merely ask you to cast one eye on England.

But I don't 'low no man to call me names, and I object to swearin' of all kinds. I want to argy this question with you, quietly, as between man and man." He looked down to see if there was a cap on the gun. "What's the trouble 'twixt you and this man here?" "That ain't no man," said the other hotly. "That's my nigger bought with my money. He's my property.

A friendly female standin' by said, "Every mite of that is candy." And she offered me a piece of sassidge, and asked which I preferred, wintergreen or peppermint. I answered mekanically that I seasoned my sassidge with sage and pepper. Agin she affirmed that everything in the butcher shop wuz candy. I didn't argy, but merely said, "It is enough to deceive the very electioneers."

I don't see how such a really noble young man as Royal ever come to argy that way, but spoze it wuz the dead hand of some rough onreasonable old ancestor reachin' up out of the shadows of the past and pushin' him on in the wrong direction.

Mr. Q ," I urged in modest protest. "Why, the whole country lives by the farmer: and I'm sure" "We won't argy the matter, Mr. Collingwood," replied my antagonist, lowering his point. "Possibly I won't trouble you any further over this affair. Your business keeps you on the move," he continued,\ looking at the paper beside him; "and it might be difficult to effect service. You want your dog.

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