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Updated: August 11, 2024

Aunt Amy muttered something about landslides, which were firmly fixed in her mind as the fate of people who climbed mountains. But Dad said, "I don't see why not, do you?" and looked to Mother for agreement. Mother said, "Well ... be very careful," in a doubtful tone, and that was that.

"The switch is off!" exclaimed Grace, as she came out of the cabin. With a quick motion she shoved it over. "How stupid of me!" cried Betty. "I should have seen to that first. Try again, Mollie!" Again Mollie pressed the button of the self-starter, but there was no response. The Gem was still drifting, seemingly in the very path of the steamer. "Why don't they change their course?" wailed Amy.

I thought it wasn't quite safe to leave the door unlocked, when I would be in the third story, but I didn't want to have to hurry down to let you in. I locked the front door on the outside, and hung up the key. Then I went in by the back door and locked it on the inside." "And you mean that you've been in the garret all these hours?" cried Amy in accents of exasperation.

"Did you know there was some trick about the box?" demanded Roy. "She's been holding this back," declared Henry, nudging his sister Amy. "And to think of all the time we wasted on that cipher!" observed Allen, reproachfully. This seemed to galvanize Betty into speech. "I didn't know a thing about it!" she declared, earnestly. "I just discovered it by accident.

It was evident to Clint that his room-mate was a popular chap, for everyone seemed thoroughly glad to see him. "Come here, Amy," called a big fellow who was sprawled in a Morris chair. Amy good-naturedly obeyed the summons and the big fellow pulled up a leg of the other boy's trousers. "They're grey, fellows," he announced sorrowfully. "Someone's gone and died, and Amy's in mourning!"

Soon the girls were splashing around in the lake, making a pretty picture in their becoming bathing suits, of which they had more use than they had anticipated. "Let's try some diving!" proposed Mollie, always a daring water sprite. "It's lovely and deep here," and she looked down from the end of the dock. "I wish I dared dive," said Amy.

How often would you have cried out in justifiable anger, 'I, son of Adam, am on earth, not in Paradise! Oh, that my Eve were at home on my hearth, and not in the skies with the seraphs! No Margrave, I venture to say, could have suspended the healthful affections, or charmed into danger the wide-awake soul of my Amy.

With Helga she quickly superseded the pair of sympathetic and ready maids, whom she allowed to fade into the background with too scant recognition of their services; and when she had got Amy thoroughly warmed and rehabilitated she turned her thought toward Cope. Here, certainly, was a young scholastic recluse who had an admirable faculty for getting into the public eye.

Mother has the gambling mania far worse than I, as is evident from the way she goes into the flower novelties." "I own up to it," said Mrs. Clifford, "and I do love to see the almost endless diversity in beauty which one species of plants will exhibit. Why, do you know, Amy, I grew from seeds one summer fifty distinct varieties of the dianthus.

"We ought to get a reward, anyhow," spoke Amy. "That's right, little girl!" exclaimed Betty. "Well, I do wish it was settled, one way or the other. Having fifty thousand dollars' worth of diamonds, more or less, in one's possession isn't calculated to make one sleep nights. And I just would love one of those big sparklers in a ring. I think " But Betty did not complete her sentence.

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