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The thin spot showed now as he stood in the path, waving a square envelope aloft before Shorty, who regarded it with supreme indifference. Not so Shorty's horse. He rolled his eyes till the whites showed, snorted and backed away from the fluttering, white object. "Doggone it, where's this been?" reiterated James G., accusingly. "How the devil do I know?" retorted Shorty, forcing his horse nearer.

You ought to atop us," she added, almost accusingly, "to bring us to our senses." "That's just it," he agreed, "why don't we? Why can't we?" "If more clergymen were like you, I think perhaps you might." His tone, his expression, were revelations. "I !" he exclaimed sharply, and controlled himself.

'It's either the storm, or aiblins a ghaist, or else some one's playin' tricks on baith o' us. 'Did ye no place this bit paper i' my room? inquired his guest wrathfully, holding up a document with his hand accusingly. 'What bit paper is 't? inquired the Minister. 'I hae pit nae bit paper i' your room. 'Did Dr.

Now he continued: "An' onct, when I wuz settin' in mah doh, dis same li'l man come pokin' 'long an' sez, sez he: 'Unc Zack, how-cum you kin see yoh knuckles when yoh fist is shet up tight, an' cyarn' see 'em when yoh han's out straight?" "That's one thing you never did tell me," the boy accusingly cried. "You couldn't!" "I couldn'?" he asked in pained surprise.

He had to send to Los Angeles to get the money for this first payment " "What, have you accepted his money?" shouted Wunpost accusingly, and Wilhelmina rose to her feet. "Mr. Calhoun," she said, "I'll have you to understand that I own this mine myself. And I'm not going to sit here and be yelled at like a Mexican not by you or anybody else." "Oh, it's yours, is it?" he jeered.

Big Medicine was nothing less than a human land slide when once he threw himself into anything, be it a fight or a frolic. Now he blocked the way to the door with his broad shoulders and his big bellow and his enthusiasm, and his pale, frog-like eyes fixed their protruding stare accusingly upon the reluctant ones. "Cal, you git up there and git that plat and bring it here," he ordered.

I don't think Alexander will give us any trouble, but there's no sense in taking chances." "You still think I'm a Lani," she said accusingly. "I do not." "Then you think that I'd obey Alexander, after what I did to Douglas." "I can only repeat that Douglas isn't the Boss-man." "I wish I knew what you really thought." "That isn't hard.

He glanced at his guest, who sat quite still, the head bent a trifle, the disturbing gray eyes fixed contemplatively an him accusingly. And yet the accusation did not seem personal with the clergyman, whose eyes were nearly the medium, the channels of a greater, an impersonal Ice. It was true that the man had changed. He was wholly baffling to Mr.

Grandma seemed to see things in a new light. "You come with me," she commanded; "both of you." Ahead of them she led the way to that pergola where Bean had once overheard their talk. "Sit down," said Grandma, and herself sat between them. "You are a couple of children," she began accusingly. "Why, when I was your age " She broke off suddenly, and for some moments stared into the tracery of vines.

We appreciate, of course Mr. Barton, your What? Hello there!" he interrupted himself sharply. "Mr. Barton? Barton? Now what in the deuce?" he called back appealingly toward the bed. "Why, he's rung off! The fool!" Quite accidentally then his glance lighted on his daughter. "Why, what are you smoothing your hair for?" he called out accusingly.