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"That that's mine!" exploded Steve. "Where'd you get it?" The visitor pulled a chair out from the wall and seated himself nonchalantly. "And that," he responded, nodding at the bag on the bed, "is mine. I didn't think the pajamas would fit you and I was mighty sure yours wouldn't fit me. So I dropped around to make an exchange." "You're the fellow in the station!" exclaimed Tom accusingly.

You ought to atop us," she added, almost accusingly, "to bring us to our senses." "That's just it," he agreed, "why don't we? Why can't we?" "If more clergymen were like you, I think perhaps you might." His tone, his expression, were revelations. "I !" he exclaimed sharply, and controlled himself.

"You are sure there was a treaty, Maude?" demanded her parent accusingly. "Certainly," she cried. "The Teutons ceded Alsace-Lorraine to " "Pardon me once more," I cried, and this time I plead guilty to a blush, "you are thinking of the other treaty the one at Metz, Miss Riley-Werkheimer. This, as you will recall, ante-dates that one by oh, several years."

"Well, see that it doesn't happen again," commanded Bob, gracefully withdrawing by walking backward. "Corn that's as high as ours is worth something, you know." "You never told him about the pitchfork," said Betty accusingly, as soon as Fred Keppler and the cow were out of earshot. "You let him think it was blackberry bushes that scratched her like that."

"I take it that you are Monsieur Clifford?" he interrogated accusingly, keeping his smouldering black eyes fixed on Roger's face, while with his right hand he brought a notebook out of his pocket. "Certainly my name is Clifford, but perhaps you will be good enough to inform me why you " "That can wait. You are English, monsieur?" "Naturally.

She still clasped the envelope of clippings and thrust it at him accusingly. The calmness of his inspection irritated her and she broke out sharply: "I shouldn't think a man with a wife and family would lay himself open to such attacks in all the newspapers in the country. Those papers call you another such political boss as Quay and Gorman. There's nothing they don't say about you."

"Then what about my contract?" she burst out tearfully, "I've sold him my mine and now he's run away, so who's going to make the next payment?" "They ain't nobody," grinned Wunpost, "and that's just the point I told you I'd come back with his scalp!" "Yes, but what about us?" she clamored accusingly, "who's going to pay for the road and all?

Her breath stops also for a moment, then returns quick and strong. Her smile settles into a curious contraction that is almost painful to see. His unsmiling eyes are looking somberly, sternly, accusingly into hers. They are charged with all the bitterness and hate and disappointed ambition which social injustice and inequality had wrought into his soul. She shivered and dropped her glass.

Full of remorse, Orde turned. Jane Hubbard stood accusingly in the middle of the hall, her plain, shrewd, good-humoured face smiling faintly. Orde met her frank wide eyes with some embarrassment. "Here it is," said Jane, holding out the coat. "I don't much care whether you hang it up or not. I just wanted to call you back to wish you luck."

What a black and endless list they made those sins of omission and commission that rushed accusingly across our young memories!