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Zee pluck of zat leetle creature is admirable. It vould be a horrible shame to take his life. No! I do love to see ploock vezer in man or beast! He could not shoomp zat. He knew he could not shoomp it, but he tried to shoomp it. He vould not be beat, an' I vould not kill him zough I vant 'im very mooch for a specimen."

Bäader's face wore its blandest smile. "On ze contraire, I have made for myself a most excellent repast; but if monsieur will consider ze dinner is a prix fixe, and monsieur can eat it all, or it shall remain for ze propriétaire. Zis, if monsieur will for one moment attend, will be stupid extraordinaire. I have made ze investigation, and discover zat ze post départ from Cancale in one hour.

"Ah, Monsieur le Docteur, it is incredible vat zat poor child she suffer. Madame 'ave told you " "Madame was about to tell me, my Sister," Saxham said, in his smooth, fluent French, "when you appeared upon the scene." Sister Cleophée launched, unwitting of the Mother-Superior's gesture of vexation, into voluble explanations in that native language which M. le Docteur spoke so well.

Zay say it is a lie, zat he is American citizen; he is an officer who is dessert from ze Italian army. Zay say he just pretend he cannot spik Italian but it is not true. He know ten leven words. They came hurrying up the steps and surrounded him, Mr. Wilder no less shocked than Gustavo himself. 'Arrested as a deserter? It's an outrage! he thundered.

"Every one in the hall can see what's the matter with you." Before he could answer, she was claimed by her partner one of the few Germans scattered through this Anglo-American gathering. "Is zat your brozzer?" Maurice heard him ask as they moved away. He watched them dancing together, and found it a ridiculous sight: round Madeleine, tall and angular, the short, stout man rotated fiercely.

Alice looked at many longingly, and turned some over more longingly, but she thought of her purse, and knew it would not stand the strain to which she contemplated putting it. "I'll just have to wait about the others, Madame," she said, with a sigh. "I've really bought more now than I intended." "I hope zat Mademoiselle will come often!" laughed the French woman.

His hat had fallen from his pomaded hair; his waxed moustache bristled. "Do you mean you have ze monnaie? All ze monnaie zat we wish?" he asked gesticulating excitedly with his hands. "Sure," returned the teller. Sherman and his aids were carrying the two sacks into the back of the cage, depositing them on a marble shelf. "See!"

"Zey vill be my diplomatic duties zat I go to do! Oh, I shall prepare a leetle story do not fear me." The Baron chuckled, and then burst forth "Never was zere a man like you. Oh, cunning Mistair Bonker! And you vill give me zomezing to do in ze adventure, eh?" "I promise you that, Baron." As he gave this reassuring pledge, a peculiar smile stole over Mr.

Ve have here, you see, zee Lansat, Mangosteen, Rambutan, Jack, Jambon, Blimbing ant many ozers but zee queen of fruits is zee Durian. Have you tasted zee Durian?" "No, not yet." "Ha! a new sensation is before you! Stay, you vill eat von by ant by. Look, zat is a Durian tree before you."

You must have some strainch power of attracting frondship, Van der Kemp, for zee poor yout' is so fond of you zat he beg ant entreat me to take him, ant he says he vill go on vit zee traders if you refuse to let him follow you." "Well, he may come. Indeed, we shall be the better for his services, for I had intended to hire a man here to help to carry our things.