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You must have some strainch power of attracting frondship, Van der Kemp, for zee poor yout' is so fond of you zat he beg ant entreat me to take him, ant he says he vill go on vit zee traders if you refuse to let him follow you." "Well, he may come. Indeed, we shall be the better for his services, for I had intended to hire a man here to help to carry our things.

You know veil zat I vill die if need be for zee Rajah. Ve must all die vonce, at least, and I should like to die if I must die in a goot cause. What cause better zan frondship? But you say joost now zere is no dancher. Vell, I vill go ant see zee booterflies to-morrow. After zat, I will go ant die if it must be vith zee Rajah."

You know vell zat I vill die if need be for zee Rajah. Ve must all die vonce, at least, and I should like to die if I must die in a goot cause. What cause better zan frondship? But you say joost now zere is no dancher. Vell, I vill go ant see zee bootterflies to-morrow. After zat, I will go ant die if it must be with zee!"

You must have some strainch power of attracting frondship, Van der Kemp, for zee poor yout' is so fond of you zat he began to entreat me to take him, ant he says he vill go on vit zee traders if you refuse to let him follow you." "Well, he may come. Indeed, we shall be the better for his services, for I had intended to hire a man here to help to carry our things.