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Fraulein standing on the top step pressed both her hands and murmured words of farewell. "Leb' wohl, mein Kind, Gott segne dich." "Good-bye, Fraulein," she said stiffly, shaking hands. The door was shut with a slam the light seemed to go down. Miriam glanced at it half the dull green muslin shade had slipped over the gas-globe. The carriage seemed dark. The platform outside was very bright.

Dafur zahlen Narren ein schweres Geld. Ubrigens brauche ich Sie wohl nicht zu lernen." "In the very end you will give in, as though unwillingly, as though against your will, as though from infatuation, a momentary caprice, and which is the main thing as though on the sly from me. You understand? For this the fools pay enormous money. However, it seems I will not have to teach you."

If she could sign her name in Russian, do a little figuring, and write a letter in Yiddish to the parents of her betrothed, she was called wohl gelehrent well educated. Fortunately for me, my parents' ideals soared beyond all this. My mother, although she had not stirred out of Polotzk, readily adopted the notion of a liberal education imported by my father from cities beyond the Pale.

A distinguished German publicist, criticising this overpowering interference of the state, writes: "Mir ist wohl bewusst dass diese Gedanken einst weilen fromme Wünsche bleiben werden: die Schatten lähmender Müdigkeit die fiber unserer Politik lagern, lassen wenig Hoffnung auf fröhliche Initiative. Allein immer kann und wird es nicht so bleiben."

Present my humble warm respects to your aunt Dorothy. I pray to heaven nightly for one of its angels on earth. Kunst, Wissenschaft, Ehre, Liebe. Die Liebe. Quick at the German poets. Frau: Fraulein. I am actually dazzled at the prospect of our future. To be candid, I no longer see to write. Gruss' dich herzlich. From Vienna to you next. Lebe wohl!

I dare say there is not a single geranium in the garden. All hands on deck to pipe a farewell: 'Ihr Matten, lebt wohl, Ihr sonnigen Weiden Der Senne muss scheiden, Der Sommer ist hin. Farewell to the blue mountains of Newcastle, and the sunlit valleys of Liverpool, and the silver waterfalls of Leeds; the summer is indeed over; and a very nice and pleasant summer we have had of it."

I must absent thee from thy felicity a while -I must be stepping." He rose, and moved, with that dancing gait of his, to the door. From the threshold he remarked, "If you will come to my business-room about half an hour before luncheon, I shall hope to have the last bars polished off, and I 'll sing you something sweeter than ever plummet sounded. Lebe wohl."

Soon Richter was back, though without his supporters. Cries of Ja wohl! Ja wohl! and Bravo! were heard from the right during the speech of Bismarck, with now and again a general ripple of laughter at some pleasantry accessible to the German mind; but these were much outdone in heartiness by the applause which frequently interrupted Richter when speaking.

We shall have to separate physiologically things which in consciousness exist undivided, since a philosophic description is bound to be analytic and cannot render everything at once. Fahr hin, Walhall's Leuchtende Welt!... Leb' wohl, pragende Götter Pracht!

Nothing matters much to me only I wish Tsin-ling wouldn't put bran into the Black Smoke. Wohl auf, my bully cavaliers, We ride to church to-day, The man that hasn't got a horse Must steal one straight away. Be reverent, men, remember This is a Gottes haus. Du, Conrad, cut along der aisle And schenck der whiskey aus. Hans Breitmann's Ride to Church.