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I dare say there is not a single geranium in the garden. All hands on deck to pipe a farewell: 'Ihr Matten, lebt wohl, Ihr sonnigen Weiden Der Senne muss scheiden, Der Sommer ist hin. Farewell to the blue mountains of Newcastle, and the sunlit valleys of Liverpool, and the silver waterfalls of Leeds; the summer is indeed over; and a very nice and pleasant summer we have had of it."

"Es irrt der Mensch so lang er lebt" "It is not the finding of truth, but the honest search for it that profits"; the spectacle of a noble soul striving against adversities and often failing, but never crushed, is one which touches the heart most deeply, and is the proper subject of tragedy.

Not long after, Lancelot conducted him softly down the dark, silent stairs, holding his bedroom candle-stick in his hand, for Mrs. Leadbatter always turned out the hall lamp on her way to bed. The old phrases came to the young men's lips as their hands met in a last hearty grip. "Lebt wohl!" said Lancelot. "Auf Wiedersehen!" replied Peter, threateningly.

A rotten rope was found loosely knotted round the vertebrae of his neck. 'Wohlgeborne, gesunde Kinder bringen viel mit.... 'Wenn die Natur verabscheut, so spricht sie es laut aus: das Geschöpf, das falsch lebt, wird früh zerstört. 'When Nature abhors, she speaks it aloud: the creature that lives with a false life is soon destroyed.

And now I am again in the streets of the city, rattling with the racing flotilla of things awheel. What is song beside the soft melody of your smile? Normandy is in the night air ... "man lacht, man lebt, man liebt und man küsst wo's Küsse giebt" ... and we and all the world are young.

Not long after, Lancelot conducted him softly down the dark, silent stairs, holding his bedroom candlestick in his hand, for Mrs. Leadbatter always turned out the hall lamp on her way to bed. The old phrases came to the young men's lips as their hands met in a last hearty grip. "Lebt wohl!" said Lancelot. "Auf Wiedersehen!" replied Peter threateningly.

It would be well if they in turn would ask themselves why political Germany is left without a friend in the wide world? As Maximilian Harden once said: “Uns lebt kein Freund auf der weiten Welt.” Might not the result of such sobering reflections be to induce the Germans to turn over a new leaf? Might it not help to precipitate the downfall of a medieval military bureaucracy?

"Ihr Matten lebt wohl, Ihr sonnigen Waiden, Der Senne muss scheiden, Die Sommer ist bin." And yet the summer did not carry everything away with it.

He took off his hat, touched significantly his own tie to indicate a reciprocity of sentiment, and all aglow he ordered a third cup of coffee. The cure could take care of itself. Man lebt nur einmal! On his way to the Alm he met the fattest man in Marienbad, a former chef of the German emperor, and gave him a friendly salute.

There was something peculiarly sly in the twinkle of the priest's black eye as he filled his bumper, and a twitching motion of the corner of his mouth continued even as he said, 'To the Pope. 'The Pope, said Gorman as he eyed his wine "Der Papst lebt herrlich in der Welt." 'What are you muttering there? asked his aunt fiercely.