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"Even so they did; and on the morrow early I spake to Geoffrey and said: 'What hath befallen the Land of Abundance, and the castle my lord built for me there; which we held as our refuge all through the War of the Tower, both before we joined us to you in the wildwood, and afterwards? He said: 'It is at peace still; no one hath laid hand on it; there is a simple folk dwelling there in the clearing of the wood, which forgetteth thee not; though forsooth strange tales are told of thee there; and the old men deem that it is but a little since thou hast ceased to come and go there; and they are ready to worship thee as somewhat more than the Blessed Saints, were it not for the Fathers of the Thorn who are their masters.

Two days after Euroclydon, I found in the woods the hepatica earliest of wildwood flowers, evidently not intimidated by the wild work of the armies trampling over New England daring to hold up its tender blossom. One could not but admire the quiet pertinacity of Nature. She had been painting the grass under the snow. In spots it was vivid green. There was a mild rain, mild, but chilly.

Finding that she did not trouble to reply, he produced his wildwood pipe and fell to smoking. "Likely I'll stay here," said Philip quietly, "until you tell me. Surely you know, Diane, that in anything in God's world that concerns you, I stand ready to help you if you need me." It was manfully spoken but Diane's lips faintly curled. Philip's fine frank face colored hotly and he looked away.

"A wildwood elf of scarlet and brown!" thought Philip and hospitably flicked away a twig or so with his handkerchief that she might sit down. "There's water plantain over there in the bog," he said lazily, "and swamp honeysuckle. And see," he turned out his pockets, "swamp apples. Queer, aren't they? Johnny says they're good to eat. The honeysuckle was full of them."

"You're a good one, Wildwood," commended the trainer in an approving tone. "How did you ever work it?" Andy explained, while the trainer selected a muzzle for the bear and armed himself with the needle-pointed device. Then he went to the cellar door. "Shut it quick after me," he said. "Come when I call." Andy ran around to the broken window as soon as the trainer was inside the cellar.

"Bob, you and I are old friends, but not better ones than myself and Andy Wildwood. He stood by us through thick and thin, he makes a good showing in the ring. Why, before the Benares Brothers left us, they were training him for one of the best acts ever done on the trapeze." "Is that so?" spoke Sanderson, looking interested. "The Benares Brothers joined us only last week.

'I should like to make ways through al this, if I could. True wildwood ways, I mean, that one must look for and hardly find; with here and there a great clearance that should seem to have made itself. What sort of a track would a hurricane make here, for instance? 'A hurricane! said Mr. Falkirk, facing round upon his ward. 'Rather indiscriminate in its action, observed Rollo.

So he crouched silently in the underbrush, and watched the pretty sight as if it were a little animal drama enacted here in the wilderness, mother and child having a romp in their wildwood home. "Well, I'll give them a good scare, anyhow," muttered the boy, his sportive instincts getting the better of his tender-heartedness at last.

"All right, pax, pax! Sorry for using that word. So how did you get in here?" "That's the gray section, towards the end." Julia flipped through and tried to read them. "This is worse than 'Finnegans Wake'." "You don't know the half of it. But as I was reading that, I got blipped to Wildwood Park." "Blipped?" "Pinged. You know, there one second, gone the next. Zap!

Andy was amazed at a sharp start and shout on the part of his companion. "Why, what now " he began. "Andy Wildwood? Andy Wildwood?" repeated Luke. He spoke in a retrospective, subdued tone. He tapped his head as if trying to awaken some sleeping memory. "Got it now!" he cried suddenly. "Why, sure, of course. Knew the name in a minute."