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Here I enjoyed some pictures of the native life: wide-eyed, naked children, mingled with pigs; a youth asleep under a tree; an old gentleman spelling through glasses his Hawaiian Bible; the somewhat embarrassing spectacle of a lady at her bath in a spring; and the glimpse of gaudy-coloured gowns in the deep shade of the houses.

In the darkness into which he was rushing Christophe sat wide-eyed, staring straight in front of him and thinking: "Shall I be in time?" He knew that his mother must have been unable to wait for her to write to him. And in his fevered anxiety he was impatient of the jolting speed of the express. He reproached himself bitterly for having left Louisa.

Being extremely fond of monkeys, Nigel went forward to fondle him, and Spinkie being equally fond of fondling, resigned himself placidly after one interrogative gaze of wide-eyed suspicion into the stranger's hands. A lifelong friendship was cemented then and there. After stowing the cargo the party returned to the upper cavern, leaving the monkey to guard the canoe.

For who was a young girl, but just out of the schoolroom, a girl in pretty, fresh frocks the last word of contemporary fashion, whose baby face and slow, wide-eyed gaze bore witness to her entire innocence of the great primitive necessities, the rather brutal joys, the intimate vices, the far-ranging intellectual questionings which rule and mould the action of mankind, who was she, indeed, to cope with a nature such as Richard's?

It was Rhoda who killed Michael Clear!" Of all the news concerning the truth of Clear's death, this was the last which Lucian expected to hear. He stood staring at the excited face of the detective in wide-eyed surprise, and for the moment could not find his voice. "It is true, I tell you!" cried Link, sitting down and smoothing out the paper which he carried.

Why, last winter is like the turn of your hand," and she turned hers over with a smile. "Many things may happen in four years." No doubt she would have a lover and marry. "Let me go over it again." They both listened, Jeanne wide-eyed, Pani nodding her head slowly. "I must tell you that M. Bellestre left fifty pounds to Father Rameau for any purpose he considered best.

Then he let it go again and said, with a sigh that came up from the bottom of his heart: "Oh Arsinoe, my sweet Arsinoe, how I love you!" As the words came softly yet hotly from his lips the girl clasped his arm closely to her bosom, leaned her head on his shoulder, looked up at him with a wide-eyed, tender gaze, and said softly: "Oh Pollux, I am so happy, the world is so good!"

Had he noticed he would have been better prepared the next night for the scene that met him when he opened her door at dusk. One step was all he took, and then he stopped, wide-eyed, aghast. Dryad was standing in the middle of the room, her hair loose about her shoulders, lips drawn dangerously back from tight little teeth, fists clenched at her throat, and her eyes flaming.

They brought the colour flying to her face, but it quickly left it; she became wide-eyed; her hands trembled. It was horrible to think that some outside influence had taken possession of her actions. She fought for self-control, and managed to read the message. "The rays of Aton, which encompass all lands, will protect him, the enemy will fear him because of them.

He would thrust his nose into the cool wood moss, or into the black soil where long grasses grew, and snort with joy at the fat earth smells; or he would crouch for hours, as if in concealment, behind fungus-covered trunks of fallen trees, wide-eyed and wide-eared to all that moved and sounded about him. It might be, lying thus, that he hoped to surprise this call he could not understand.