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So Mistress Kitty Fagan got in her bit of Celtic flattery, in spite of her three successive discomfitures. "You may come up now, Kitty," said Mr. Gridley over the stairs. He had just finished and sealed a letter. "Well, Kitty, how are things going on up at The Poplars? And how does our young lady seem to be of late?" "Whisht! whisht! your honor." Mr.

"Now, you know better than to talk like that, Aunt Win. I'm thinking of you day and night. I've got no one else to think of but you, Aunt Win." "Whisht now, whisht!" Aunt Winnie sank her voice to a whisper, and nodded cautiously towards the nearest old lady. "She do be listening, lad.

Other chat of various character then took place, in which, however, M'Carthy, who now watched them closely, could observe that they did not all join. "Whisht," said one of them, "is there anybody asleep in the house? I think I hear some one snorin!" "There is," said Finnerty, "a gentleman that was out shootin' to-day wid a servant-man of Mr. Parcel's the procthor named Mogue Moylan."

And," he added with a sigh, "it's not much luck I've brought you, except for the boys. They'll do, perhaps, what I've not done." "Whisht now, lad," said his wife, patting his shoulder gently, for a great tenderness flowed over her eloquent face. "What has come to you to-day? Go away now to your work," she added in her former tone, "there's the hay waiting, you know well.

'Mono mush thig thu! you crathur, is it trying which yer head or the road is the hardest, ye are? Whisht now, don't cry, me fine boy, and maybe I'd sing a song for ye. 'Wisha then, cead mille failthe a thousand times, Irishman, whoever ye are! said the mother, seizing Andy's hand. 'And my heart warms to the tongue of the old counthry!

"Whisht now! but that is onexpected," said he, as he redoubled his own exertions. Observing that his pursuers were rapidly gaining, he suddenly recalled an artifice that he had seen practiced during his experience in the mines years before. Catching up his rifle, he aimed it at the advancing Indians.

You see, I had been leaning over the bows, watching the operation of letting go the anchor; and, as the ponderous mass of metal plunged into the river, it sent up a column of spray on to the forecastle that came slap into my face, drenching my clothes and wetting me almost to the skin at the same time. "Whisht, ma bouchal!" cried Tim Rooney, laughing at my sorry plight as I picked myself up.

A man like you, McTee, ought to taste his death a while before it comes. Come to me ar-rms, captain, I've a little secret to whisper in your ear. Whisht! 'Twill not be long in the tellin'!" McTee replied with a snarl, and the two commenced to circle slowly, drawing nearer at every step.

While he was reading the warrants, entering their names in his books, and writing out a receipt for their "bodies," Lord Vincent stood with his fettered hands clasped, his head bowed upon his chest, and his countenance set in grim endurance; and Faustina stood wringing her hands, weeping, and moaning, and altogether making a good deal of noise. "Whisht, whisht, bairnie! dinna greet sae loud!

Look there there's more rats coming after you!" "Oh, whisht, will you?" replied Paddy, taking his seat on the sand, and wiping his brow. "They're aff me now." The children stood by, disappointed of their game. Good acting appeals to children just as much as to grown-up people. They stood waiting for another excess of humour to take the comedian, and they had not to wait long.