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Nimrod was here now he could tell us all about them, for, if I mistake not, he was werry intimate with some of them either he or his father, at least." A boat that had been gradually advancing towards us now run on shore, close by where we were lying, and one of the crew landed with a jug to get some beer.

Jorrocks. Thank you, sir, kindly. Waiter, bring me a bottom o' brandy, cold, without and don't stint for quantity, if you please. Doesn't you think these inns werry expensive places, sir? I doesn't mean this in particular, but inns in general. Stranger. Oh! I don't know, sir. We must expect to pay. "Live and let live," is my motto. I always pay my inn bills without looking them over.

"Why, you ain't werry large yourself, mam, you ain't." "No, I fear I am rather petite," said the Duchess with a trill of girlish laughter. "And pray, Giant, what may you be doing here?" "Come up on the coach, I did, box seat, mam, to take Mr. Beverley back wiv me 'cause 'is 'oss ain't safe, and " "Not safe, what do you mean, boy?" "Some coves got in and tried to nobble 'Moonraker' and 'im "

I cannot always make out the face of a Father on the stern, harsh Power in whom we live and move and have our being. Then I turn to my Divine Brother, who, of all the children of men, saw deepest into the mystery, and in his far-mirroring eyes I read the vision which satisfies me. With poor dying Joe, I whisper to myself: "'Our Father: yes, that's werry good."

We had gone but a little way along this path when Mr. Shrig halted and seating himself upon the grassy bank, took off his hat and mopped his brow. "A be-eautiful sunset, sir." "Yes!" I answered, turning to view the glowing splendour. "So werry red, Mr. Werricker, sir, like fire like blood."

At the conclusion of the song, and before the company had time to disperse, the same smart young gentleman, having rehanded the young lady from the orchestra and pocketed his gloves, ran his fingers through his hair, and announced from that eminence, that the spirited proprietors of the Bazaar were then going to offer for public competition in the enterprising shape of a raffle, in tickets, at one shilling each, a most magnificently genteel, rosewood, general perfume box fitted up with cedar and lined with red silk velvet, adorned with cut-steel clasps at the sides, and a solid, massive, silver name-plate at the top, with a best patent Bramah lock and six chaste and beautifully rich cut-glass bottles, and a plate-glass mirror at the top a box so splendidly perfect, so beautifully unique, as alike to defy the powers of praise and the critiques of the envious; and thereupon he produced a flashy sort of thing that might be worth three and sixpence, for which he modestly required ten subscribers, at a shilling each, adding, "that even with that number the proprietors would incur a werry heavy loss, for which nothing but a boundless sense of gratitude for favours past could possibly recompense them."

J ; I knows nothing about her been reading the Riot Act, and giving her red rag a holiday all the morning wish to God I'd never see'd her took her for better and worser, it's werry true; but she's a d d deal worser than I took her for. Hope your hat may long cover your family. Mrs.

"Not I; she clebber young lady den, and she werry clebber young lady now." And this of my venerable grandmother, who had fairly seen her four-score years! "Who might be der master of das big house now?" "Gin'ral Littlepage, doesn't I tell ye! Masser Mordaunt's name, my young master. Sus, dere, only Injin; he nebber so lucky as hab a good master.

"No, John, not the yarn of the voyage," replied his wife, while she spread the board before him with bread and cheese and beer, "but tell us how you found old Captain Ellice and where, and what's comed of the crew." "Werry good! then here goes." Buzzby was a man of action. It is not to be supposed that Buzzby spun it off without interruption.

‘Werry well, sir,’ replied the boy, with a grin at his companion, as if he understood Mr. Cymon to mean that the cruelty applied less to the animals than to their riders. ‘What a lovely day, dear!’ said Charlotta. ‘Charming; enchanting, dear!’ responded Mrs. Captain Waters. ‘What a beautiful prospect, Mr. Tuggs!’