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Little while ago, as we thought, there was young Master Carey dying as fast as he could, and us just waiting to go to the bottom. Now here's that there dear lad asleep comf'table and getting better, and you and me with the pick o' the berths and the saloon all to ourselves, getting ready to have a reg'lar good, square meal. Aren't got so werry much to grumble at, have we?"

Now, Ben, you've got to learn all about this buttercup, to pay for cheating." "Werry good, sir; bring on your rhinoceriouses," answered Ben, who couldn't help imitating his old friend the clown when he felt particularly jolly. "Sit there and write what I tell you," ordered Thorny, with all the severity of a strict schoolmaster.

"But the aborigines," continued Lucien "The abor-what? sir," asked Flaggan, removing his pipe. "The aborigines the original inhabitants of the land " "Ah, I see, sir," returned Ted; "them as was at the werry beginnin', just arter Adam and Eve like; 'zactly so fire away!"

Jorrocks, as we say with the Surrey." "Haw! haw! haw!" grunts Mr. Jorrocks, who is busy sucking a bone; "haw! hawl haw! werry good, Crane, werry good owes you one. Let's see, now three and three are six, six brace among eight oh dear, that's nothing like enough. I wish, Mrs. J , you had followed my adwice, and roasted them all.

Yer says, and werry truly, just now, that changing the stable don't change an 'orse into a hass, or a hass into an 'orse. That is werry true, most true, none but a eddicated man could 'ave made that 'ere hobservation. I likes yer for it. Give us yer 'and. The public just thinks too much of the stable, and not enough of what's inside.

A werry good gentle'em is Misser Mulford, but not good enough to mulk Simon and me out of fifty dollar each." "You will not hear my project, Josh, and so will never know what I would be at." "Well, come, tell him jest as you surposes him. Now listen, Simon, so dat not a word be loss." "My plan is to take the boat, if we anchor, as anchor I know we shall, and go and find the rock and bring Mr.

"The 'Markis' seems a bit fresh to-night, Sam," says Mottle-face affably to one of the ostlers. "Fresh!" exclaims that worthy as the 'Marquis' rears again, "fresh, I believe you burn 'is bones!" "Driver!" shouts the fussy gentleman, "driver!" "Why then, bear 'im up werry short, Sam." "Driver!" roars the fussy little gentleman, "driver! coachman! oh, driver!"

"Oh, no!" said Old Brownsmith sarcastically. "Let the baskets lie where they are. It doesn't matter about sending to market to sell the things. You never want any wages!" "What's the good o' talking to a man like that, master?" growled Ike. "You know you don't mean it, no more'n I meant to send the sieves atop o' young Grant here. I'm werry sorry; and a man can't say fairer than that."

His father caught him good-naturedly by the ear and lugged him to us. "He's a good boy, Jack is," said Ernest to Mr Rollings, "I'm sure of that." "Yes," said Mr Rollings, "he's a werry good boy, only that I can't get him to learn his reading and writing. He don't like going to school, that's the only complaint I have against him.

"All right, Miss Kate," said Uncle Braddock, as he started off on his way through the woods; "that may be a werry pious way to go a-huntin' but it won't bring you in much meat." When Harry came back from hunting for the bee-tree, which he did not find, he saw Kate walking slowly down the path toward the village, the gun under her arm, with the muzzle carefully pointed toward the ground.