United States or Belize ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The two of them, as they talked, afforded an interesting contrast: the Duke, with his air of distinction and race, his ironic expression, his mobile features, his clear enunciation and well-modulated voice, his easy carriage of an accomplished fencer a fencer with muscles of steel seemed to be a man of another kind from the slow-moving detective, with his husky voice, his common, slurring enunciation, his clumsily moulded features, so ill adapted to the expression of emotion and intelligence.

The way candles were consumed caused father to wonder where his best box of spermacetis had gone to. I knew I could do the poetry, and I firmly resolved that I would read it through, from beginning to end, in a clear, well-modulated voice, that could be heard by all, including the minister and Belle Marigold. I would not blush, or stammer, or get a frog in my throat.

Anticipating a speedy entrance, Matthews warmed to his task. And each time he fell upon the barrier, a weak moan from within swelled to a cry of mortal terror. And then a few feet behind him, a voice interrupted a well-modulated voice, in an amused, ironical tone. "Well," it said slowly, "I hope you're enjoying yourself." Matthews whirled and reached for a weapon. He was too late.

Just then we heard soft footsteps, and looking up we were surprised to see Captain Rudstone standing within a yard of us. There was a peculiar gleam in his eyes, and a half-amused, half-mocking expression lurked on his inscrutable features. His glance swept about the room, then settled keenly on our little group. "Pardon me for interrupting you, Mr. Macdonald," he said in well-modulated tones.

"There's a deal to be said for the habit," said Speed. "Having followed other trades teaches a lawyer something about human nature. I reckon Abe wouldn't be the man he is if he had studied his books all his days." "There is another side to that," said Mr. Stanton and his precise accents and well-modulated voice seemed foreign in that homely place. "You are also a politician, Mr. Lincoln?"

Walcott, in low, well-modulated tones, conversed pleasantly for a few moments with the new-comers, the three young people forming a striking trio as they stood there in the bright sunshine amid the June roses; then, with a graceful adieu, he walked swiftly away. As soon as he was out of hearing Mr. Underwood, turning to Darrell, said, "It is decided; the papers will be drawn to-morrow."

But for the present they appeared to prefer to maintain a solemn silence. The middle wolf had been looking intently at us for some time before a well-modulated voice said, “I have answered your call, gentlemen; how can I serve you?”

And yet now Dan's tacit aloofness piqued her. She admitted she did not understand him at all. Here was a man, a tugboat captain, of course a product of the water front; primarily, no doubt, a dock-rat, and yet a man who had not tangled himself in the use of his forks, who spoke in even, well-modulated tones, and looked like a gentleman. Miss Howland was not snobbish in these thoughts.

She eyed the intruders coolly, then in a well-modulated voice, and in excellent English, she said: "She is washing a pair of sealskin pants." Both men removed their caps in sudden embarrassment. Thomas exclaimed: "I beg your pardon! We thought this was just an ordinary native house, or we wouldn't have intruded." "You haven't intruded. This is 'Reindeer Mary's' house."

The plow-chasers drew the prettiest girls in the class and the most accomplished fusser among the fellows usually drew a girl who would make the manager of a beauty parlor utter a sad shriek and throw up his job. Of course every one was bound in honor to take what came out of the hat. Nobody flinched and nobody renigged, but there was a lot of suppressed excitement and well-modulated regret.