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Ve most make haste viz our meal ant go to vork." The grandeur and novelty of the scenery through which they passed when they did go to work was a source of constant delight and surprise to our hero, whose inherent tendency to take note of and admire the wonderful works of God was increased by the unflagging enthusiasm and interesting running commentary of his companion, whose flow of language and eager sympathy formed a striking contrast to the profound silence and gravity of the Dyak youth, as well as to the pathetic and affectionate selfishness of the man-monkey.

Dey vill not vork. Dey takes long valks, and always looks on de ground. Mine childre shall be hump-backed, round-shouldered, looking down for diamonds. Dey shall forget Gott. He is on high: dere eyes are always on de earth. De diggers found a diamond in mine plaster of mine wall of mine house.

"O, werry well," the mutinous scamp replied, moving towards the door; "ven you get ready to give me the chink, I'll be ready to vork for you, and not until then."

When the man tumbled out of his bunk, in a hurry to take his watch on deck, he could not understand the reason why he could not put on his garment. "Vot's der madder?" he exclaimed, struggling with the sleeves. "Der vitches haf been at vork! I am bevitched!" "More like that onery critter of a boy done it," suggested his messmate, a practical Yankee. "So? I plays a joke on him, alretty yet. Vatch."

It is to be easy see he can vork." John did not like the appearance of things. "Too much mystery here," he thought. "However, it is not long he will be here, and he will be in the fields all the time; there cannot be much danger. But who ever heard of a man whom no human being knew?"

So I says as perlite as possible, "None of that, old fellur catch hold. I fetched 'em for you, and I'm bound to see you eat 'em." "Sare, you are too kind," said he; and he vent to vork again. Arter a spell, he stopped. "Don't like 'em hey?" says I, pretendin' to be mad. "I sall prove ze contraire," said he, in a kind of die-away manner, and he went into 'em agin.

But dis claim dat I haf and my tunnel on the hill on dem the vork is done. And now, Mr. Russell, if you haf finished looking here, I will take you to see my mine." "Well, I don't know," began Denver still gazing at the silver ore, "this looks pretty good, right here." "But the prophecy!" exclaimed the Professor with a knowing smirk, "don't it tell you to choose between the two?

"Dey dond't like de hard vork, Cabtin. . . . Dey dond't like it but ve takes der Coop, all de same! Dey pulls goot und strong, oder" he rasped a short sentence in rapid Low German "Shermans dond't be beat by no durn lime-juicer, nein!" Old Burke grinned. "Cocky as ever, Captain Schenke! Bedad now, since ye had the luck of ye're last passage there's no limit to ye!" "Luck! Luck!

"I shall vork; Bons shall be nursed like ein brince." "So he shall, M. Schmucke; and look here, don't you trouble about nothing. Cibot and I, between us, have saved a couple of thousand francs; they are yours; I have been spending money on you this long time, I have." "Goot voman!" cried Schmucke, brushing the tears from his eyes. "Vat ein heart!"

You haf fallen into de natural faults of dose who work alone, but we can soon cure dese. Now here is some vork dat I vant you to do under my eye, and dat study on outlining you can take home. Moreover, I can give you some lessons in outlining from my own picture;" and Mr. Bruder showed him what he had done.