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"Senator North's makin' straight for you. I suspicion you like him better 'n Burleigh " Betty had turned upon her at last, and the woman tittered nervously and fell back in the crowd. Senator North and Miss Madison shook hands with that absence of emotion which is one of the conditions of a crowded environment, and Lady Mary suggested they should all go to the conservatory, where it was cooler.

She heard Judith asking in an astonished voice, "Why, what makes you think so?" and she listened with a tortured attention to the statement vouchsafed in an excited chorus by a great many shrill little voices that the Fingáls' old cook had taken a little too much whiskey for once and had fallen to babbling at the grocery-store before a highly entertained audience of neighbors, about the endless peregrinations of the Fingál family in search of a locality where the blood of the children would not be suspected "an' theah motheh, fo' all heh good looks, second cousin to Mattice!" she had tittered foolishly, gathering up her basket and rolling tipsily out of the store.

But Nick had pulled off his hat and was sweeping her a bow. The girl looked down, smoothing her ribbon, Gaspard took a step forward, and other young women near us tittered with delight. The voice of Hippolyte rolling his r's called out in a French dialect: "M'ssieurs et Mesdames, ce sont des effets d'un pauvre officier qui est mort. Who will buy?"

Nicholas started, and stared Hilton in the face; while Newton, who perceived their separate train of thought, tittered with delight. "What are you talking of?" at last observed Nicholas. "Of the sloop, to be sure," replied Hilton. "I rather imagine that you came to consult about Mr Thompson's effects," observed Mrs Forster, angrily "rather a solemn subject, instead of "

Then, with one hand in his breeches pocket, he added: "Be easy on him, judge; I believe I'd 'a' done the same." The spectators tittered at his abrupt change of tone, and some of the young people applauded. He sat down very hot and red. The judge did not smile or frown; his expressionless face seemed more like a mask than ever.

Talk! talk o talkin! and the face on him!" He lifted one hand and tittered. "Old Red Beard stagger in along just his beard, and his eyes, and his legs beneath, and them hairy arms of is'n like ropes round the fat chap's belly. "'Your turn now, ole pal, says he. 'How d'ye like it yourself? And somehow I fancies he and Fat George hadn't been best friends.

And Berthe stood by, patiently waiting, content to study the little details that made up Madame's costume; her eyes were lit with the same romantic interest which the proprietress had shown on their arrival. "I don't mind." "Well, will you have escargots?" "What's that?" "Snails." Sally shook her head with a grimace and smiled. Berthe tittered with laughter.

He nodded urbane acquiescence, strolled away immediately, and minutely inspected the surface of the funnel, till some female passengers of Giant's Town tittered at what they must have thought a rebuff for the approaching wedding was known to many on St Maria's Island, though to nobody elsewhere.

Because that's the maid I'm goin' to marry, and I'm off to Ardevora to do it straight. Another pot of beer, please, missus." "You've had a plenty, sir, seemin' to me," answered up the landlady, while the company tittered. "And is this the way" Billy stood up very dignified "is this the way to welcome home a man who bled for his country?

Think how he wandered, for her sake, year after year, through hostile lands, yearning for kith and kin, yearning for her!" "Stabbed," he tittered, listening to the bells jingling on his cap. "Was she fair?" I asked, but he only snarled, muttering to the bells jingling on his cap. "She kissed him at the gate," he tittered, "but in the hall his brother's welcome touched his heart" "Was she fair?"