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How " He pulled out some money, but the loafer waved it aside with ridiculous dignity. "Thievin' doctors needs pay. I ain't no bum doc. What you give 'em the kids?" Scipio bundled his money back into his pocket, flushing at the thought that he had unintentionally insulted his benefactor. "Well," he said thoughtfully, "I didn't give 'em no corn cure.

Turning short round, I saw the man in the beaver hat standing within a yard of us, fingering his long pistol and with the same twisted smile upon his lips. "I've a mind," said he, nodding his head at the Bagman, "I've a great mind to blow your face off." The blunderbuss fell to the roadway, with a clatter. "Thievin', rascally villain was it? Damme! I think I will blow your face off."

But Joe would not allow Minty to shatter his dreams by bringing up these old notions. She must be instructed. He rose and went over to her table. "Why, Minty," he said, offering his hand, "you ain't mad at me, are you?" "Go on away f'om hyeah," she said angrily; "I don't want none o' thievin' Berry Hamilton's fambly to speak to me." "Why, you were all right this evening."

I done 'cide by myse'f dat no Yankee gwina eat all us meat. So dat night I slips in dey camp; I stole back dat meat from dem thievin' sojers an' hid it, good. Ho! Ho! Ho! But dey never did fin' dat meat. "One time us sot fire to a bridge de Yankees had to cross to git to de plantation. Dey had to camp on de other side, 'cause dey was too lazy to put out de fire. Dat's jus' lak I figgered it.

"I propose that you be elected chairman of this meetin', an' that you be instructed to hop on the mornin' train an' go to the railroad commissioner at the capital an' tell him that if he don't give orders to bust up this thievin' combination the cattle owners of this county will come down there an' yank off his hide!"

"Yuh know as well as we do that yo're one o' Blacksnake's thievin' gunmen!" "What makes yo' think so?" the Texan laughed. The other opened his mouth to speak, then stopped. He was looking The Kid up and down. "Come to think about it," he muttered, "we've never seen you before. And yuh don't look like one o' that rustler gang." "Take my word fo' it," said the Texan earnestly, "I'm not.

"`Och, says he, `who'll sell me a place? and with that he offered a lot o' pure goold lumps. "`Guess it's too little, says the man next me. "`Ah, ye thievin' blackguard! says I. `Here, yer honer, I'll sell ye my place for half the lot. I can wait for me letter, more be token I'm not sure there is wan. For, ye see, I wos riled at the Yankee's greed.

"So whin the borrower wint for the money, the banker sent out word that the securities wor not good enough, an' that he wouldn't advance a farden. "Then the borrower goes to his frind an' complains, an' thin the frind acts all out the way Gladstone'll act when the bill's refused at the Lords, or may be at the Commons. 'Hell to him, he roars, 'the blayguard thief iv a thievin' banker.

It's no' richt, ye ken, laddies, that a polisman, who is the representative o' law and order in this place, should sit without a fire. He has a wife an' weans to worry aboot, an' they need a fire to mak' meat. Maybe if he had a fire an' plenty o' coal it wad mak' him comfortable, an' then he'd no' be sae ready to leave the hoose at nicht an' lie in a tattie pit to watch thievin' colliers.

He didn't like to lind, an' he was afeared to say No, an' he was in a quondairy intirely. So, says he 'I'll lind ye the money, says he, 'if ye'll bring the securities down to the bank, says he, 'an' get the cash off me banker. Thin he went saycretly to the banker, an' says he, 'This thievin' blayguard, says he, 'wants the money, and he'll never repay me; I wouldn't thrust him, says he.