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There was a pause, after which he said, trembling: 'Shall I get yo summat, Hannah? A hoarse voice came out of the dark: 'Ha doon wi yo! Yo ha been leein to me. Yo wor seen at t' station. Reuben sat down. 'Hannah, he said, 'yo mun just listen to me.

"Since," said the Lord Proprietor, "there are no such things as mermaids, we will confine ourselves to seals.... I had no idea that seals er frequented our shores." "No more they don't, unless summat extr'ord'ny has taken the weather. But I've heard tell of a season when, for weeks together, you could count up two or three score together baskin' on the beaches to the north of the Island here.

Ye want to get summat out'n me, ey con see that plain enough, an os ye stand there glenting at me wi' your sly little een, ye look loike an owd fox ready to snap up a chicken o' th' furst opportunity." "Your comparison is not very flattering, Jennet," replied Potts; "but I pass it by for the sake of its cleverness. You are a sharp child, Jennet a very sharp child.

He was after summat big in experiment for explosives, so the papers said, and so he said himself before he died, to Miss Claridge ay, 'twas her he deceived and treated cruel, that come to him when he was shattered by his experimenting. No patience, he had at last and reckless in his chemical place, and didn't realise what his hands was doing.

He puts his nightcap out o' windy sends me to the medical officer for a certificate. Medical officer's gone to a midwifery case. I hunts him for an hour or so. He's got hold of a babby with three heads, or summat else; and two more women a-calling out for him like blazes. 'He'll come to-morrow morning. Now, I just axes your opinion of that there most procrastinationest go."

She lifted her hand and brought it with full force on Tom's cheek. He sprang to his feet quivering with rage, and pain, and humiliation. His fierce temper was up, and Lucy trembled for what was to follow. "Next time you make a fool o' me, boy," said Aunt Hepsy with a slow smile, "perhaps ye'll get summat ye'll like even less than that." Then the boy's anger found vent in words.

Not but what a like milking her better nor a steady goer; a man has allays summat to be watchin' for; and a'm kind o' set up when a've mastered her at last. T' young missus theere, she's mighty fond o' comin' t' see Black Nell at her tantrums. She'd niver come near me if a' cows were like this'n. 'Do you often come and see the cows milked? asked Kinraid,

Aw limped for more nor a week, but aw geet thee, an' aw meant it, if aw'd had to feight fifteen raands more 'So, like the knights of olden time, Malachi, you fought for your fair lady and won her. 'Nay, Mr. Penrose, you morn'd think he nobbud won me wi' a feight; he'd summat else to do for me beside that. Aw noan put mysel up for a boxin' match, aw con tell yo'. 'Nowe, Mr.

John Jordan said; "not in Stokebridge, I reckon!" "The lasses take mostly after the lads," Jack said. "If we became better they'd be ashamed to lag behind. Mrs. Dodgson, the new schoolmaister's wife, told me t'other day she thought o' opening a sort o' night class for big girls, to teach 'em sewing, and making their own clothes, and summat about cooking, and such like."

"Now, don't you be for overshooting the mark, Tookey," said Mr. Macey, nodding his head aside admonishingly. "That's what you're allays at; if I throw a stone and hit, you think there's summat better than hitting, and you try to throw a stone beyond.