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Give him the finest soup; give him pâtés, or even more meaty entrées, and his remark will be that it is very nice, but he wants 'summat to eat. His teeth are large, his jaws strong, his digestive powers such as would astonish a city man; he likes solid food, bacon, butcher's meat, cheese, or something that gives him a sense of fulness, like a mass of vegetables.

"Whatever's amiss? The lass went over to the Moss. Why, she stopping, isn't she?" "Ey, at the Lion," answered Mattha. "I reckon there's summat wrang agen with that Robbie. I'll just slip away and see." Panting and heated on this winter's day, red up to the roots of the hair and down to the nape of the neck, Liza had come to a full pause at the door of the village inn.

Again she tried the door; it were not locked, but summat heavy lay agen it. She pushed hard, and got it a bit open. She just saw summat as looked like a woman's dress. Then she shrieked out, and fell down in a faint. The neighbours came running up. They went in by the wash-house door, and found Ruth Canters lying dead agen the house door inside, and the baby smothered under her.

She had a face summat like yours, no way pretty, but what you'd call boastful and conceited; and she thought a sight of herself, and put on gay dress that she had no call to wear. She strutted about among the neighbors, and they said, 'Fine feathers make fine birds, and laughed at her past bearing. But she didn't mind, because she was a little girl that was meant to go to the bad and she did.

'Oh! shut thy row with that drodsome thing! said Hazel with sudden passion. 'Look'ee! I unna bide in if you go on. 'Ur? queried Abel dreamily. 'Play summat else! said Hazel, 'not that; I dunna like it. 'You be a queer girl, 'Azel, said Abel, coming out of his abstraction. 'But I dunna mind playing "Why do the People?" instead; it's just as heartening.

Bickerton, handing him the protection which Ratcliffe had given Jeanie Deans. When Dick had looked at the paper, he winked with one eye, extended his grotesque mouth from ear to ear, like a navigable canal, scratched his head powerfully, and then said, "Ken! ay maybe we ken summat, an it werena for harm to him, mistress!" "None in the world," said Mrs.

"No, Father, but this letter that's been following me from one place to another has got some queer news in it." "What's up, lass? Tha looks as if summat was up." "The thing that's happened has given me a great deal to think of," was her answer. "It's about Mr. Temple Barholm and Mr. Strangeways." He became wide-awake at once, sitting up and turning in his chair in testy anxiety.

Has them candles on the altar been smokin'? 'No, he says, 'not as I know on. 'Well, I says, sniffin' like, 'there's a very queer smell in the place. It's not 'ealthy. Summat ought to be done to it at once. 'Hush! he says, 'what you smells is the incense. And then the Holliton clergyman!

They'll settle me nicely if they do; and Governor knows all about it, and won't gi'e me a danged brass farthin', an' me wi' bills to pay, an' lawyers dang 'em writing letters. He knows summat o' that hisself, does Governor; and he might ha' consideration a bit for his own flesh and blood, I say. But he never does nout for none but hisself.

It might ha' been death he had in mind, or it might ha' been anything you like. What he said was, 'I'd like to see old Cai fixed up wi' summat to while away his latter years. That's how he said it, in those exact words, an' nothing could have been more kindly put." "We're the same age, to a hair.